Chapter 27

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The next few days, Tom and Willow fell into a routine. He helped her with her orders and when she was creating other projects, he was either on the computer or on the phone.

Willow had sent out the soda can to Detective Walker the Monday after and was waiting on a response from him.

He texted her a few days later letting her know he received it and was putting a rush on the DNA analysis. She felt terrible not telling Tom about it but maybe she was overreacting and when it came out negative, then she'll tell him what a crazy fiance he had.

Tom walked into her craft room and found her staring off into space. "Luke wants us to make a statement."

Willow jumped out of her thoughts. "Already? Can't we keep it a secret for a few more days?" She looked at her hand and smiled. "I'm still trying to process if this is all real right now."

He came up behind her and kissed her neck. "Does that feel real?"

She threw her head back on his shoulder. "Mmm. That feels wonderful."

His hand fondled one of her breasts. "And that?"

She moaned. "Even better." She turned around and kissed him.

His hands went from her back to her buttocks as he brought her closer to his erection. She moved her hips against him, this time making him groan.

Her cell phone beeped letting her know she had a text. "Oh crap," she said as she tried to reach for her phone on the desk.

Tom pulled on her shirt, holding her back. They were having a tug of war.

"And this text is more important than what we were just doing?" he asked.

"Well no but it's a force of habit." She reached for the phone and noticed Karen was texting her. "It's from Karen. She wants to see me today."

Tom grabbed her phone and texted, 'Sorry busy having sex with me fiance.'

Willow looked at it and tried to grab the phone. "You can't send that."

He held it out of her reach and hit send. "Oops."

She took the phone from him. "I can't believe you just did that."

He was laughing. "It's Karen, she'll know it was a joke."

Willow texted back, 'Sorry Tom took my phone. What's up?'

It took a few moments before Karen answered. 'Problem with some shirts, can you come over?'

'Sure,' she answered.

Tom rolled his eyes. "Fine. We'll pick this up where we left off when we get back."

"Promise. Let's get dressed."

They drove to Karen's office. Tom offered to get coffee while he dropped Willow at the front door.

When Willow walked in, the office was dark. She tried the lights but they weren't working. She walked into the back room. "Hello?"

Claire was sitting at the desk. She turned when she heard Willow's voice and turned on the desk light.

Willow jumped, clutching her chest. "Claire, you scared me. Where's Karen?"

Claire just got up and walked up to Willow. "You bitch," she yelled as she slapped Willow.

"What the hell?" Willow asked as she rubbed her stinging cheek.

"I told you to stay away from him but you wouldn't listen and now you're marrying him!" Claire pointed something at Willow. "I won't let that happen."

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