[1] Starbucks

458 32 16

hey its me, emojackmanifold

//CW: petnames, cursing//

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Dream woke up, looking around his room relaxing to the haze of umber light shining through his curtains, rubbing his eyes to clear his vision only to be met with dust dancing in the air as the sunshine reflected onto them.

The dust slowly settling down while he stopped moving for a few minutes

Tiredly he yanked the shaggy blanket away, having a small yawn before he stretched his body muscles and started to walk towards his standard bathroom.

"Welp" Dream gulped as he opened the bathroom, revealing himself to the mirror of horror, showing the horrible state he was in— He looked like a fucking caveman

Dream sighs, looking directly at himself, this time without looking away. 

He had gloomy dark circles under his eyes, his face had gone somewhat paler since he hadn't been outside for atleast a week.

His brownish-blonde hair had gotten longer with it slightly covering the rim of his eye, blocking his vision vaguely from rhe mirror.

 Eh, it just needs a bit of concealer and that'll do the trick.

Problem is, where the fuck will he find concealer. neither one of his roomates —George and Sapnap— had any.

Doesn't matter, he just works at Starbucks anyways. It didnt need any attractiveness to go to work, but he was still insecure anyways.

He still reminds himself about all the things his ex girlfriend would say though, it was pretty nice. To this day she still sends them because they're the bests of friends of course, Nothing more.

Things such as "Clay baby, you're gorgeous with and without makeup" and more. It was fun to listen to the old audio recordings of sam saying those.

He looks down at his watch to check the time, and HOLY SHIT HE'S LATE TO WORK—

Quickly he dashed out of his room with his Pajamas—aka a graphic t-shirt and some gray sweatpants—and ran down the stairs, tripping a few stairs and falling.

"SHIT" he yelled as his back ached from it, hearing small giggles he saw George and Sapnap recording him, "HAHAHAH" George and Sapnap both laughed loudly.

"For fucks sake!" Dream cursed grabbing his sage green backpack for his prepared stuff

"FUCK YOU" he flipped off the two before getting on his bicycle in the frount lawn and biked off to work.

- - -

"Shit, shit, shit, SHIT" he muttered going into his workplace from the backdoor, oh god.

"Dream?" Niki says looking at him, "You're late—" she smiled out of pity, was that a good or bad sign?

"Yeah! I am late, THANKS FOR THE INFO" Dream made a satire comment and opened his backpack to get his black apron. 

The manager knew Dream was 70% going to be late everyday so he told him to take one home just incase, just INCASE.

"Are we the only 3?" he heard another voice behind him, Techno. 

Niki just gave a thumbs up indicating 'yes' and they just rolled with it, "Questionable outfit choice, Dream" Techno says looking him up and down. 

Way to spot the obvious.

"OKAY mr i wake up at 6 am" Dream snickered.

"I like your attitude noob" Techno scoffed walking back to the frount counter with the rest following behind him.

- - -

"Hey! can i get you somethin'?" Dream says at the customer, as the other eyed him down. Whats up with people and staring at him nowadays?

"Whats there on the menu" The other responded, seems like the first time he'd been here, nice a new customer! a cute one aswell.

"Uh, here" Dream chuckled as he handed over the small menu of drinks.

"Can i get a Caramel Frappe mini?" the guy asks, still observing the piece of paper as he was not very sure on what the fuck he's saying.

"Sure, and your name?" Dream questions him, "Punz" he answered with dream noting that down on his clipboard.


"How much is it?"


"Here, and keep the tip cutie" Punz placed down a ton of money, bitch are you rich or did you just fucking rob the bank?

"Wait— this is way to much sir. Please take some back" Dream says, of course he was gonna keep some of it but hes not gonna take all of it

"Nah, keep it. Share it to the rest of your crew by the way, thanks for the service" Punz thanked him.

"Okay, but what can i do to atleast pay you back so i dont have to have a bigger debt?" Dream asks, jokingly adding his parent's debt into the sentence

"Just tell me your number" the new customer winked and walked to his table with his hands in his pockets like a Chad.

Dream just shrugged and walked back to the rest and gave them $18.75 each, this man really gave them fucking $60 for one drink, what the fuck.

This man rich as a bitch.

I guess he wanted a really good drink then, Dream better be giving this man the best fucking service someone ever did or he was gonna get scolded by his boss for this.

"Nice" Techno says putting the money into his pockets while Niki just looks at Dream confusingly

- -

"Punz your drink is ready" Dream says placing a straw into the cup for him, he probably doesnt even know how to do shit for himself anyways.

He aint complaining if he got more money tho, i mean he wouldn't complain at all.

"Hey again cutie" Punz flirted again, is this man desperate or what?

"Hi" Dream waved at him, not bothered on what he said at all

"Sooo, wheres your number?" Punz laughed

"Oh you're serious about that—" Dream says, he thought he was fucking joking

"Of course i am!"

"Just hand me your phone"



"So uh, How's your day been?"

"Good once i saw you" 


"How was yours?"




"I asked why it was trash"

"No you didn't"

"Yes i did"





"Whatever" Dream huffed and handed him his phone back, he can clearly feel Techno and Niki smirking his way.

he rolled his eyes and just waved goodbye to the customer.

- - -





enjoy the next chapter that's probably gonna be written by jags lmfao

we all hate a/ns

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