s o b e r

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Noah said in a deep but quiet voice, I'm assuming I just woke him up,

'sup baby! I fucking love you!',

I yelled into the phone to my boyfriend, I could hear him laugh,

'hey baby why don't you hang up and tell me all of this when you are sober',

Noah said with his just woken up voice which was honestly quite hot, I began to laugh as well,

'it's a bit late for that',

I yelled into the phone, I heard silence which somewhat signified that he was confused,

'what do you mean baby?',

Noah asked with a concerned tone in his voice,

'well you see if you hang up you would probably still be able to hear me cause guess what? I'm outside sway',

I literally screamed, Noah said nothing there was a lot of silence I was confused until I looked down at my phone and saw that he had hung up. I stood there for a few seconds just staring at my phone until I heard the front door open, Noah and Bryce emerged,

'wassup my dudes!',

I yelled both Noah and Bryce began to laugh,

'we heard you screaming but we thought you were just a fan',

Bryce said laughing, Noah walked over to me and began to guide me back into the house as I could barely walk. Somehow even with Noah guiding me I kept stumbling,

'y'all need to get the entry fixed, the ground is so bumpy',

I slurred out making both Noah and Bryce begin to hysterically laugh, Noah picked me up throwing me over his shoulder,

'let's get you to bed before you do anything else'.

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