Chapter Twenty-Two

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"I'm not wearing this." Emily huffed as she threw down her new red tie.

I shook my head. "Emily, you have to." I adjusted my own yellow prefect tie. "We're in year eleven now and we have to wear coloured ones. We have to wear these until we leave in year thirteen. Be thankful it's not any of the other colours."

"Maybe I don't want to stay at Woodside. Maybe I want to go to uh, what's it called? College!" 

I burst out laughing. "You want to throw away the best education in England to go to college? I mean, sure. Go for it."

"I'm not that stupid." Emily put her arms around my waist and kissed me. Her hair was bleached, once again.

"Why do you always come back with bleached hair after the holidays?" I asked her.

"Oh. Uh, my auntie's a hairdresser. I don't want to say no because that would be rude."

I chuckled.

"Besides, it's quite nice. I'd have it dyed all the time if I knew someone could do it properly."

"Maybe some day."


I kissed her cheek. "Seriously, we need to focus this year. If our mock exam results are bad, that's it. We won't be allowed to come back to study in Sixth Form. I don't think we have to worry too much. It's just a warning." 

Emily nodded and Prue came out of the bathroom. She sighed at the sight of us.

"Emily, roll your blazer sleeves down and put your tie on. Susy, tuck your shirt in." Prue walked over and packed her bag full of books.

I looked up at Emily. She brushed her hair behind her ears, showing off the minimalist earrings I got for her sixteenth. She wasn't one for jewellery, but wore the watch I got her last year and her earrings with pride.

"Susy, don't forget that we have a prefect meeting after school." Prue said to me. 

"Ugh." I groaned and put my head back. 

"Don't be like that. You can meet the new head prefect. I think her name's Evie. I've met her before. She's quite nice. Get to lessons you two. You're gonna be late for your first day of year eleven."

"See you, Prue."

"Ja, see you."

"I'm glad the old Prue's back. Aren't you?"

Emily nodded. "Ja, I am actually." 

I picked up Emily's tie from her bed and passed it to her. "Put this on. We need to go."

Emily put on her tie as I checked my timetable. I sighed as I had science and shoved it into my bag. I walked over to my bed and put my shoes on. 

"Shall we go?"


The summer holidays were quiet and relaxing as usual. Emily was in Germany and she called me most nights, even showing me around one of the family's sunbed shop. I nodded my head at all the right moments, but why would I be interested in looking around a place some middle-aged woman came once a week in an effort to stay young? I was secretly amazed at how massive the place was, and how modern it was. It was so futuristic and even at ten at night it was filled to the brim. Emily's dad owned several of these sunbed chains in the biggest German cities and even opened one here. I was trying to figure out how rich Emily's family was. If we ever got married, we'd be worth millions. Even my net worth was in the millions because I was Dad's daughter and had shares in his company. 

I spent the day daydreaming of me and Emily's wedding. I knew that it was very far away- hell, that it might never happen but it made the long day a bit more bearable. I sat there in German, my favourite lesson, with my mouth wide open because I was daydreaming so much. Emily poked me but I didn't respond. I couldn't imagine Emily wearing a dress, but I couldn't picture her in a full suit either. I put her in a shorter dress and I was happy with that. I imaged what my dress would look like, the colours, the food we'd have...

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