Vore in electrical

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Almond cookie leans back onto the metal walls as small sparks of electricity spread throughout the room. He crosses his hands and taps his finger on his chin, thinking. The fresh smell of blood still lingers in the air, barely an hour old. Almost everyone is dead, and it is getting impossible to trust anyone. Since most of the deaths occurred in the room Almond is in right now, electrical, many are avoiding it, which makes it a perfect place to quietly think. Almond cookie is having trouble keeping his cool, as finding who is committing all these horrific crimes is almost impossible. Suddenly, footsteps nearby can be heard. Almond cookie stand up straight and puts his hands over his handcuffs, and prepares himself for the worst. The footsteps are slow and heavy, and it seems like something is wrong with the owner of them. Heavy breathing escapes their mouth, and a large growl from the stomach could be heard. A hand grabs the doorframe, and a person appears at the door. "Shiina Niki, is that you?" Almond cookie calls out to him, and is standing defensively. Niki is looking at the floor, and seems like he is about to collapse. But at the sound of the voice, he looks up. "... huh.. oh, ...... OH! Hi yes I'm Niki.." He barely makes out the words, and he grabs his stomach to try and contain another stomach growl. "Are you alright? Does your stomach hurt?" Almond cookie says worriedly, knowing that there hasn't been much food going around since the murders. "Yeah.. I'm really hungry, but Rinne said there isn't any food around here and to hold it in... but I'm getting really hungry.." Another large growl escapes his stomach, and his knees sink to the floor. Almond cookie rushes over and tries to hold Niki back up. Niki sniffs Almond's hand, and his eyes light up. "Say.. you smell a lot like a cookie, or is that just my imagination?" Almond cookie sighs, as he thought everyone already knew, but he recalled Niki was too busy having a childish fight with Rinne to pay much attention. "Actually, I am a real cookie. Many of us are.. or, er, were cookies." Niki's face contorts, and looks both confused and extremely,.. ecstatic? "PERFECT! Just perfect! You see, I was super hungry this entire time, but Rinne only had one granola bar which I ate at the start, so I've been hungry this whoooollle entiree time! And I thought I was dreaming that everyone smelled like they were fresh out of the oven, but thank god that they were! Now.. how long have you been out of the oven? My dad said not to eat old food, and you look kinda moldy. But since most of the other cookies are gone, guess I'll have to make do with you since real humans are more of a pain to eat.." Niki jumps onto Almond cookie and shoves him to the ground, and layed on-top of him. Almond cookie tries to fight back, but Niki holds both his hands down. "Niki, I know you're hungry but this is not the way to go... There are people waiting for us to come back and I'm sure you'll get your food-" Almond cookie tries to convince Niki to let go of him, but Niki is too busy sniffing Almond cookie from top to bottom, and he blushes in embarrassment. "Ah, um, Niki..." Almond cookie squirms and tries to break free. Their faces are inches apart, and their slow and hard breathing match up. Niki stares into Almond cookies eyes, and drool drips from his mouth. "Would taking a small bit hurt?" He bends down at Almond cookies left shoulder and takes a small nibble. "Ngh!" Almond cookie jumps and squirms around, but Niki holds him down even harder. "Aaaah, even better. Nahaha, this will be fun~" Niki wipes the drool from his mouth and dives back into Almond's shoulder and takes a large bite. "Gh! Shiina, please we can't be doing this right now, not when- !!!" Almond cookie jumps again, and Niki holds down even harder which makes Almond's hands start to crack off. "Stay still, you moving makes it harder for me to chew~" Niki teases, and Almond cookie reluctantly stops moving. But every bite makes Almond jump, which makes Niki hold down even harder until his hands break off. "N-Niki!" Almond cookie barely can make out any words, and can barely move most of his body anymore. Niki pick up the broken piece and slowly licks it down. "Mmmm! Even though you seem old, you're just the right amount of crunch! I need to find whoever baked you and see how they did it.." Niki places his fingers on Almond cookies chest and trails it down his body, looking for the next place to bite from. He brings it back up and grabs almond cookie's chin. "Aren't you already full?" Almond cookie asks, and his head starts to crumble a bit as Niki brings his face closer. Half of Almond cookie's body is gone, and it doesn't seem like Niki is anywhere closer to stopping. "How could I be full when I only just begun? Now say aaaah~ I wonder what cookie tongue tastes like~" Almond cookie barely gets to react before Niki shoves his face into his mouth. A large crunch echoes through the room. And another. And another. Until Almond cookie is nowhere to be seen. Niki wipes his mouth again and licks his lips. "Aaah, does that count as a kill? I hope Rinne hurries up so I can get some water, I'm getting thirsty after having a giant cookie." Niki jumps up from the ground and skips out of the empty room.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2021 ⏰

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