Chapter Three: The Letter

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The next day, I walked out of my room and saw Silver in the living room. He sits on the couch and reads a newspaper. I slowly walked up to him and asked what he was doing and how long he had been awake. He said he has been awake for half an hour looking for a new apartment. I was surprised that he was looking for a new apartment, I thought he lives with Blaze but as a wg. "I thought you will continue to live with Blaze but as friends? How do you come to the conclusion that you are now  still looking for an apartment? How come? "I asked confused
"oh, haven't I told you yet? I didn't want to continue living with Blaze. I'm looking for an apartment in another city," he said. I became sad when he had said that. I went to the kitchen to eat something. "you ok sis?" ask me shadow. I was terrified where I heard shadows voice. "not really, I heard that Silver wanted to move to another city and that makes me sad, of course I only met him yesterday but where I first met him I was in love I don't know why but i feel Completely when I'm close at Silver's," I said with tears in my eyes. Shadow ran to me and comforted me. He told me to tell him before it was too late. I nodded and went to my office with my breakfast. I thought about how I could tell him but then I thought, why not a Love Letter. I wrote my feelings for him in a letter. I thought I would spend a lot of time with Silver and get to know him better. Days, then weeks and then months passed until the day came when Silver moved to the new city. I hugged him and cried. "hey Jojo, don't cry. I will miss you very much too. You gave me love I needed but now it's time to see you again. We stay in touch ok?" I nodded and gave him a red letter "if you are in the new apartment and live well there, you should read this letter. I wrote it for you," I said to Silver and gave it. He smiled and hugged me. That was the last time I saw Silver. "I love you Jojo," Silver said and drove away. I cried and turned red. Shadow went into the house

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