Chapitre 5

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Naruto : L'ascension du ninja ultime ! par KyutoSonic360

Naruto : L'ascension du ninja ultime

Avis de non-responsabilité : je ne possède rien

Ouverture 1 : Sonic Drive


Une Spin Ball se dirige vers la caméra.


Diverses images d'un Naruto souriant apparaît en train de faire des poses basées sur Sonic the Hedgehog: l'une est lui faisant la pose de Sonic Adventure. Un autre est lui faisant la pose de Sonic Adventure 2. Le troisième est lui faisant la pose de Sonic Heroes. Le quatrième est lui en train de faire l'une des nombreuses poses de Sonic Channel. Le dernier est lui faisant la pose de Sonic the Hedgehog (2006).

La scène a changé pour montrer un anneau d'or tombant et frappant le sol herbeux.


D'autres images apparaissent : l'une est Sasuke prenant la pose, avec un air sérieux sur le visage. La seconde est Sakura souriant aux lecteurs. Le troisième est Kakashi debout, tenant son livre et regardant les lecteurs. Le quatrième est Iruka avec ses mains sur ses hanches, souriant aux téléspectateurs. La dernière photo est Hiruzen, souriant légèrement.

La scène change pour montrer un flou jaune sortant du village.


The yellow blur reveals itself to be Naruto running through a forest before he jumps off a cliff with a smile on his face as the title appears:

Naruto: Rise of the Ultimate Ninja!


The Hidden Leaf Village is shown in all its glory. Naruto is standing on top of his father's head at the Hokage Mountain, looking down at it with a grin on his face. He wipes his thumb across his nose.

Yesterday's rules are simply loose today
The best goal is to break them

Naruto is walking around with his hands in his pockets and a bored expression on his face. He grins as he runs ahead, jumping from building to building before he runs on one and flips off of it.

If I don't keep running
There's no other meaning

Naruto lands on the roof, fixing his Forehead Protector. He looks ahead, seeing Sasuke and Sakura smile at him. They looked back and saw Kakashi standing on cable from a utility pole. He knees down and waves at his team.

It's a punk philosophy

Naruto grins and gave his sensei a thumbs up, making Kakashi blink before smiled sheepishly.

Bio-rhythm is...a two-time rhythm

Naruto is on a branch, leaning his back on the tree. He reaches into his pocket and took out a purple star charm, looking at it with a sad frown.

The scenery instantly becomes countless lines
The wind envelops me

A young Blaze appears, smiling at him, before she disappears.

Naruto blinks and walks ahead, while putting his star charm back in his pocket. He jumps off the tree branch and was instantly covered in a blue wind as he starts to fly across the sky.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2021 ⏰

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