chapter 1 The accident

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At y/n's house

"Hey y/n dear, so mommy and daddy have to go out on a dinner with a friend, soo....would you like to stay at aunty nikki's hous-" your mom was cut off by you screaming

"yes mommy i love to stay at aunty nikki's house with Tommy"

you shouted, since Tom and Harrison were 4 and you were 2, you guys were best friends.

And now that tom and harrison are 7 and you are 5 you guys are still the best of friends. No matter how sad you were, tom and haz would always make your day.

but little did any one know, This night would change everything. Any ways, back to the story.

As your dad kissed you goodbye and sat in the car, your mom's held your hand and walked you to the house right next to yours, Tom's house.

Your mom rang the doorbell and waited for about 20 seconds, then the door opened and you saw aunty nikki.

"Oh hello there, how are you darling?" Nikki asked as you jumped in her arms. "Im good are you ?"

"Im good too y/n dear, Hey Eleanor, long time no see huh?" Nikki asked your mom.

"yeah sorry 'bout that, its just that we were too busy with business and stuff so we didn't had time to meet you i wanted to say that Miller and i have to go out to meet a friend" She said while looking at nikki.

Ever since you were 3, you knew that your parents did something that was different than what normal people did but you did not think about it because  you knew that tom's family also did something similar,anyways.

"oh...okay, i will take good care of y/n"
nikki said. Your mom looked at you and kissed your cheek and said  "mommy loves you sweetie "she said. "And i vov you too" you said in your 5 year old cute voice.

Then your mom gave you one last kiss and left. As soon as the door closed, you jumped out of nikki's arms and started running every where.

"Tom's upstairs" nikki said with a laugh, then you started running upstairs. "Be careful" you heard nikki in the background.

Tom's pov

I was studying in my room when i heard a rhythmic knock at the door i immediately knew who it was,Y/n! This was our secret knock.

"come in" i said as i closed my book and set it aside.The door opened and cute little y/n walked in....

*sighs in mind *
Okay so...i do like her...she is very smart and beautiful and i just...think about her before everything like before waking up, going to sleep and when im getting ready for school too.

I like her very much and i told Harrison about it too but he just made fun of me.

She walked up to me and sat at my big bed. "Hello tommy how are you" she asked me,

"im fine y/n how bout you ?"
"im good" she said with a flashy smile.

"you know my mom and dad went out" she said."great, you wanna play with me and Tessa ?"

I asked her. Tess really liked her but she was scared of dogs. "Ummm i finkk....okk but i don't wanna touch her" she said as always."Okay come with me"

Author's pov

you  both went downstairs to this big  living room with huge window's and very expensive looking like paintings.

you and tom sat at the sofa then tom clapped his hand's, and suddenly a gray staffie came running up to them,

y/n got scared so she held tom's arm and tried to hide behind him,while tom just giggled beacause how tessa was liking his face.

Suddenly, tessa spotted yn and she was about to jump on her to play with her.

but before that happen, y/n started crying. Just a little back story, tom hated seeing y/n upset.

He grabbed tessa nd took her to another room. When he came back, he saw his mom sitting on the couch with y/n in her lap.

she was softly crying. "Y/n, dear what happened ?" Nikki asked. "T-tessa tried t-to bite m-mee" y/n started to whale again.

"Oh no honey, tessa is a really nice dog she would never harm such a lovely girl like you" Nikki said.

After five minutes, y/n fell asleep in Nikki's arms. Nikki brought y/n up to Tom's room and she tucked her in there, kissed her goodnight and left.

When she came down, she saw that the door burst open and dom entered "they're dead Nikki,they're dead"

Dom said to a really shocked and  confused nikki."who's dead ? W-What are you talking about ?" Nikki asked.

"Eleanor and Miller got  in to a car accident and they couldn't make it" dom said while crying.

"W-what t-this cant they were just- no what ab-about y/n no-noo"
Nikki also broke down.

Tom's pov
I went upstairs to my room to check on y/n if she was asleep or she woke up.

After i saw that she was fast asleep i thought i might sleep as well but just when i was about to get in bed, i heard yelling downstairs.

I quickly ran down the stairs and i saw my mum saying,"W-what t-this cant they were just- no what ab-about y/n no-noo"

"Uhhh mum, what happend ?" i asked she just looked at me and cried so loud...that we saw y/n coming down the stairs.

"Uhh aunty what is wrong ?" Y/n asked so innocently...."where are mom and dad ?" she asked almost crying

(See thats what i meen when i said she has a heart as soft as a petal, if she saw someone cry, she cry to)

Which broke my heart. I ran up to her and hugged her so tight. By this time i had an idea that someone died but didn't knew who ? "tommy what is wron-"

she was cut of by the door bursting open and 2 men walked in quickly they were wearing some blue colored clothes that had something written on it in orange colour.

They came running to us and they harshly snatched y/n from me. she started crying and i did too. My mum suddenly shot up and was screaming at them to let her go. My dad took out his gun and aimed it at the men but another one came from outside and shot dad in the leg.

My mum still ran to get y/n back from them but it was to late. They ran outside into a truck and they literally threw y/n in there and closed the door. That was the last time i saw her face

Word count : 1275

A/N : hey my wattpadians! this is my first ever story and i apologize in advance for any typos. Also, i wrote it when i was like 11-12 so its very, very cringe...i will try and, change some things tho.

Roni - 💜

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