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" two black coffees " 


the overhead bell jingled as two figures entered the coffee shop, laughing and playfully pushing each other. 

trent glanced up from his notebook, realizing the green-haired male was the same guy as yesterday. but the girl he was with now was certainly not his girlfriend. 

trent raised his eyebrow questioningly, but decided to go back to music theory and minding his business. 

"duncan! stop it!" the mystery girl giggled as the punk elbowed her lightly, grinning. 

"you wish pasty. now c'mon, i want coffee." he scoffed jokingly.

"okay." she blinked up at him, hands on his chest and a soft smile on her face.

"stop it." "stop what?" "stop being so damn cute." 

trent gagged. 

the girl giggled again, in the same high-pitched, too-sweet tone. 

"but im not even doing anything." she pouted, blinking innocently. if the sappy-eyed emoji was a face, it would be hers.

duncan leaned down to kiss her roughly, hands planted on her waist. she reached up to run her hands through his hair, and make quiet sounds as he bit her lips.

the musician rolled his eyes, resisting the urge to remind them that they were in fact, in the middle  of the doorway. 

the blue haired girl pulled away, laughing. "okay, okay, lets order now. for real." duncan shrugged, smirking. 

they walked to a table, holding hands, while the male tried to wipe the blue stains from his lips. 

the waiter, who was awkwardly standing next to them, cleared their throat. "are you ready to order?" 

the goth looked at them apologetically, smiling sheepishly. "yes! sorry. two black coffees." 

the waiter scribbled the order on there notepad, not looking up when they asked "and who's the order for?"



a/n: hellooo! i hope your enjoying the book so far. i apologize about this chapter, it physically hurt to write. slight spoiler, but gwen will not have a redemption arc in this sorryyy :(

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2021 ⏰

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