''Yuri comes to visit Nanno in hell'' - gfn oneshot (crackfic)

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I don't own GFN otherwise id probably be killed by Yuri and tormented by Nanno, enjoy!

Nanno pov:
Nanno stretched her arms above her head as she looked out towards the blazing horizon. The acrid heat of hell was something that even the warm summers in Thailand couldn't replicate, it soothed her non-existent soul along with the symphony of screams from the 8th circle of hell. Oh how Nanno had missed home.

'hey watch where you're going newbie!'

'call me by your name~'

'who the hell decided to put this pole here anyway-stupid fuc-''

Care to finish that sentence demon A?

Nanno snickered as demon A flopped to the ground muttering a thousand apologies under their breath not realising that the pole had been her fathers idea, who was standing right behind demon A ready to smite their ass to the moon and back, oh how she had missed home.


Yuri pov: Yuri hadn't seen Nanno for a year,,, it's not like she missed her anyway, she was the one in charge now and her methods were superior, not sluggish like Nanno's. She definitely didn't accept a ride down a strip pole when a strange man with a leotard and cowboy boots approached her saying that he was not fazed and only here to sin.

Yuri cringed as she had unceremoniously lost grip on the pole and had smushed her face on a hot fiery floor- how the hell did that man make it look so simple?!

''ugh...my god, you said it was easy'' the words were muffled as Yuri lay face down defeated with a bloodied nose and bruised lip

''You live in the dark girl I cannot pretend~''

Yuri was about to throw hands with this man- but that was cut off when a pale hand came into view offering to help her up-

''well Yuri, you've clearly 'fallen' for me this time no?''

Yuri threw her head back and groaned, stupid Nanno and her stupid dad jokes, she wanted to drown in a bathtub all over again, yet she took Nanno's hand 'reluctantly' as she was dragged towards a castle looming in the distance

Hoo boy, guess Nanno really was Satan's daughter after all.

A/N- welp, hope you liked!

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