Nanno can't cook(●'◡'●) (crack/fluff)

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a/n been away from Wattpad for a while but i got an itch to write, inspired by Daz Games cooking simulator vr video, absolute gold by the way, sorry if this isn't the best, tryna get back into the groove. Enjoy! 💖.

''well guys, I'm off!'' Nanno just wrapped up a stream of cooking simulator on twitch, fans seemed to like it, thus rewarded her generously putting her in high spirits. Yuri was working late tonight so with a newfound sense of confidence she headed towards the kitchen to surprise her partner with a home cooked delicacy~

Nanno thought back to cooking simulator...she got five stars on spaghetti...she'd practically perfect this!

so apparently you aren't supposed to wash vegetables with soap.... and a generous amount of oil is not the whole bottle that subsequently overflowed the saucepan... her mother lightly scolded her on the other end of the phoneline, saying that she'd probably turn the kitchen into a miniature bonfire pit, just like the one at home, apparently burnt sinners slow roasted over hellfire isn't exactly a delicacy for mortals...humans had no taste...but for Yuri she'd try her best. Thus the kitchen was cleaned up and Nanno, with guidance from her mortal mother tried meal making again.


Yuri<3: Hey, I'm wrapping up now, should be home soon :)

*Nanno╰(*°▽°*)* is typing....

Yuri<3: ahhhh I'm sorry! looks like there's been an emergency nearby, duty calls ¬_¬

Yuri<3: Don't stay up too late waiting for me okay?


Nanno pouted at her phone, the spaghetti was going cold, and she was so excited for Yuri to taste it! she even added garnish!, the food may have been cold but at least the house was war-

wait- warm?

a bitter smell ensnared Nanno's senses, stinging her skin, her eyes watery and sensitive- 

the stove, was on fire?! had cooking simulator come back to haunt her after she completed most dishes on the game with ease? what kind of cruel, heartless revenge was this? Nanno panicked and sloshed a pot of water over the baby inferno but the flames grew in size, taunting her, thirsty to destroy her cosy living quarters.

Nanno tried throwing her fireproof body on the flames to dampen the chaos but it only left a comically large scorch on her sweatshirt. 


Nanno had tried kicking the stove, throwing ornaments into the fire, heck she even had a rap battle with the flaming stove to intimidate it, seemed to work in hell but it seemed that earthly flames had no respect for the heir to the throne.

so here Nanno lay, in a starfish pose, on the floor of her burning kitchen sobbing over cold spaghetti and her absent partner.....


''Fire department!''

Nanno felt strong arms lift her up and a whooshing sound as her vision faded to black.

when Nanno came around she saw Yuri looking down at her, her face contorted with worry, which made her cry all over again, 

''the spaghetti''


''I cooked you food'' 

'' I can see that'' Yuri chuckled petting her partners hair ''I didn't think the emergency call would be from our own house-it was a sweet gesture Nanno- but honestly, leave the cooking to me, I don't mind''

Yuri seemed to be rather unaffected at the chaos that Nanno had inflicted on there shared quarters, so Nanno decided to push her luck a bit, 

''do you want to- have a barbeque-not here though, uh- hell I mean, I don't think Dad would mind, and he hasn't properly met you yet- we can pick up some meat and catch a ride from dad's boyfriend down the strip pole?''

Yuri kissed her partners forehead and agreed.

''and, that's why we need a ride down'' Yuri explained 

The strange man in cowboy boots and a flamboyant suit snapped his fingers as a crater formed beside the couple, revealing a thick metal pole that he slid down after stating:

''Call me when you want, call me when you need~''


''And that's how we got down here!'' Nanno exclaimed''

''fascinating'' Satan remarked- 

''slow roasted sinner- Yuri?''

The firefighter politely declined sipping on her rat's blood cocktail while admiring the spicy scenery,

she'd definitely be asking Nanno's dad for some of his recipes later

who knew antichrist cookies would taste so good? 


a/n chaotic? yes OOC? yes did I enjoy writing this though? definitely. I couldn't resist putting a Lil Nas X reference from my first one-shot in here. Let me know if you'd be interested in a 'Yuri meets Nanno's family crackfic' feedback is welcome, excuse the typos and stay safe! ╰(*°▽°*)╯

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