Yuri x gn! (immortal!) reader pt2

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a/n- Hey! here's pt2 of this one-shot, hopefully you enjoy and don't forget to comment any feedback!(❤️ ω ❤️)

You gawked shamelessly as the ghost of a girl stood awkwardly next to your arm chair that you were practically sprawled out in, cosy as a kitten despite the rather formal setting.

''Ahem'' the principal cleared his throat, 

''Yuri, I was about to introduce you to y/n but it seems as if they have already acquainted themselves with you, rather comfortably''  you flushed as he continued

''Y/N, Yuri is a member of Teacher A's patrol, and has asked me to allow you to take part in an ongoing investigation''

''investigation?!'' -

he cut you off-

 ''Yes an investigation. Since the arrival of Nanno, students have begun to disrespect our system and have grown feral with disobedience, as you both went to the same school as Nanno I think that you are the perfect students to quell this rebellion''

so just like that- you were dismissed from your regular classes and were left trailing after Yuri through school corridors like a lost puppy

There was so much you wanted to ask her, to tell her, but every time you found your voice it died in your throat,

eventually Yuri stopped and leant against a wall, sliding down to the floor, timidly you joined her.

She quirked a brow and eyed you smirking slightly, 

''so, what are you, the Principals lapdog now Y/N?'' She playfully shoved your shoulder 

''What-? No way!

Yuri laughed, the sound filling you with warmth

''Ah! you finally spoke!'' Her smirk was growing, 

''Also, Nanno showed me your art project, I must say....the girl in those photo's looks oddly familiar''

 she leaned close to your face, forcefully gripping your chin between her forefinger and thumb, you were burning up, and your breaths became shallow- she leant closer to you, almost nose to nose with you:

''You think I didn't notice hmm? you would loiter outside my classroom, and pretend to be busy on that stupid little phone of yours, too soft or weak to dare approach Nana and Tubtim, following them like a lost little lamb, hoping they'd let you in to their lucrative schemes....but eventually you grew tired...didn't you''

''Is this what Yuri thought of you? that you were planning to catch her bitching about  Nana and Tubtim to use her as some sort of bargaining chip?''

She wrapped her hand around your neck, lightly squeezing as your eyes grew wide with fear, you weren't scared of dying, fuck that, it was now or never:

In a sudden act of defiance you grasped her wrists and dug your nails into them, leaving crescent shapes that were slowly filling with blood, 

You rushed forwards, pinning her against the wall as she looked at you, too stunned to speak.

''Don't you get it?!, I never gave a shit about Nana or Tubtim, they were awful, they deserved to die, but...but not you''

It was Yuri's turn to gawk shamelessly, your assertive self was....attractive

''I don't give a damn about money, or morality, I tried giving a shit about people once, but it only ended in pain, cause' I always outlive them''

words were just tumbling out of your mouth- but you couldn't seem to stop the messy flow of speech-

''I don't know how many times I've done high school, I don't know how long I've lived for, and honestly I- I'm so tired of this''

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