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The Most Painless Way To Die.

Number 1, shoot your head with a gun, or walk in the street, getting shot by a sniper from afar. Quick, painless, sweet, maybe a bit traumatic for the people who witnesses. But easy, no worry, no fear, just . . . a bullet and a slipping consciousness.

Number 2, chug 1.5 liters of coca-cola in 10 minutes. For coke lovers it might be the best way, you died drinking what you like. It's easy, it's gaseous, if you survive you might just let out a fart. If not, it's critical, it's swift and simple.

Number 3, drown yourself. In water, in the sea, in the river, or in your tears. In your agony, in your misery and in your pain. Drown yourself until you feel nothing. Just emptiness. After the panic subsides, the water is peaceful. Death comes peaceful.

Number 4, never slit your wrists. That takes too much time and feels as painful as it looks, I've tried. You might not feel it at first because you're numb from your pain but trust me, draining yourself of blood is not the way to go.

Number 5, carbon monoxide is scary. Hotboxing your car might sound badass, or cool, but really it's painful. It's not weeds. Instead of it making you high, apparently enclosing yourself in the car inside a garage only pulls you down in deep shit. It causes disruption in your lungs because there's no oxygen. It will burn you inside, the grating feeling of air leaving your lungs as you succumb to your death. . . I'll give it a 3 out of 10.

Are you afraid? It's good to be scared. It means you still have something to lose. But when you're stuck in a small boat, floating aimlessly in the vast ocean, like me. You start to think if everyone's found a way to breathe underwater. If they're inside submarines or they're diving deep with an oxygen tank fully equipped to save themselves. You start to feel alone. Longing for company, for someone to come in an enormous ship to welcome you aboard, or just someone to accompany you while your raft is still floating. It still doesn't have a concrete direction, but at least you get the courage to brave the storms together.

If there’s not a point to your death, you might wonder, was there a point to your life? That was rhetorical. Everyone might say different things and that's fine. We all carry different troubles but they're problems all the same. We're different, but it's still the same. You're floating aimlessly too, aren't you? Because if you're so bright and you've got your life in control, then why do you wish to know the best way to go?

You're scared aren't you?

You seek death to comfort yourself because of your life. Fret not, I feel the same despite not feeling anything at all. Oh, you feel sad for me? how typical. The saddest word I know is "goodbye," the saddest word you know, is my name.

You're scared aren't you?

I am too.

When choices are made and you know there's always another way, death is easier. Who needlessly wants to suffer all the time? certainly not me, so let's continue, shall we?

Number 6, after you've done your part, part ways with your family. Tell them goodbye, maybe you love them, or maybe thank them because you owed them your whole life. But it's weird, shouldn't they owe you a BETTER life? You feel so alone even with their presence beside you, why is that? You've asked for help but they never extended their hand? That's too bad, you're just a liability then. A tool. Not a human being. Maybe you should drink your sorrows away and get alcohol poisoning.

Number 7, why do you still want to die? Is it that hard? I know, right? I'm just so tired. Drink a whole bottle of sleeping pills and dream of a whole new life. That's your dream, isn't it? to not wake up from your slumber. That's mine too!

Number 8, it's too late. Jump in front of a raging vehicle, or jump from the balcony of the 8th floor room. There's really no difference. it'll be fast and furious—pun intended—you may even meet Paul Walker in the afterlife.

The best way to go? is when you're relieved that you're leaving. When you have no regrets anymore. That takes a long time to settle so you settle for the most painless way available.

Are you scared?

Sorry to break it down to you but there is no painless death, in spite you go quick, pain still lingers, even if it doesn't occur from you.

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