chapter 1

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(Enjoy this stunning dream fan art credits to the artist and I DO NOT OWN DANGANRONPA!)

Head canons: hajime is a artist, gundam is called alpha as a nickname, kazuichi is more shy and also a yandere, hajime is a very sweet person, hajime and nagito are childhood friends, junko is not the ultimate despair and she never starts the tragedy or the killing games (will be updated in a different chapter for more head canons) also I replaced ryota with my oc for Danganronpa kuroi hitomi (slightly long black hair and purple eyes his talent is ultimate editor)

A black haired male walked into the popular and advanced school known as hopes peak academy he had been accepted as the ultimate breeder he was walking to his homeroom class, not wanting to be late he started to speed walk

Finally making it inside the school and down the hallway to his class he felt something bump into him, turning to who ever or whatever bumped into him, he saw a brunette with stunning emerald eyes, a pastel colored hoodie and beanie with white pants. He was holding a sketch book and pencil in his hand using the other to cover his nose "im sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going..." He stumbled

Gundam pov

I stared at the fair mortal 'hes beautiful' was all I thought as I stared into his emerald eyes but a wretched fiend came along "hina kun! Its been so long! Oh- are you okay?!" The fiend asked "oh! Koma kun! Yeah im okay! Hey uh... Are you okay? Also im really sorry about that" "its quite alright, no need to apologize fair mortal" "well, see ya later!" He said running off "hina kun! Wait up!!" The fiend said running after him " is his name hina?" I asked myself aloud as I continued to walk until I found my class unable to think of anything but 'hina kun' he was just so.... How can I use one word to describe him? Cupid. What the heck are you doing?

3rd person pov

"Were in the same class hina kun! How lucky!!" Nagito komeada the ultimate lucky student said to his friend, hajime hinata the ultimate artist nodded "probably just your good luck" then a male with pink hair came in the room then a certain ultimate breeder came in the room and taking a look around the room noticing hajime having an open not yet taken seat next to him on his right, quickly taking it before it was to late then after a while more students came in

A red haired female with a camera around her neck

Two girls one in a kimono and pigtails, the other had choppy purple hair and a shaking body

A huge male with a buff body came in

Then a female with a buffed body came in

After that a girl holding a game boy

A girl who looked like a princess followed right after

A short boy in a cooks outfit

a female with pink and blue streaks in her hair

A short male with blonde hair came in

A gray haired female following shortly after

Lastly a male with slightly long black hair and purple eyes came in

Then the teacher, chisa Yukizome

"Okay everybody, good morning!" Mrs Yukizome said happily to her class "when I call your name you will come up to the front and introduce yourself and share a few facts about yourself other than your ultimate talent! Its completely optional for the few facts part"

"Starting off with, soda kazuichi!"

A pink haired male walked up to the front of the room using his beanie to cover up his eyes so he didn't accidentally make eye contact with anyone "my name is soda kazuichi, im the ultimate mechanic...." He started to slightly move up his beanie and accidentally making eye contact with a slightly long black haired male, blushing he ran off to his seat "thank you soda! Now tanaka gundam!"

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