chapter 8

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The boys sat in class as Mr nanami taught, little did he know... Neither of them were paying attention. Hajime was drawing in his sketchpad and gundam was using sunflower seeds to teach the devas new tricks. "Okay class, heres the test" both boys heads shot up hearing test "dont worry its not a grade but please try your best" "a test?" Hajime said in confusion and gundam was still playing with the devas that soon went over to sit on the brunettes scarf that was gifted to him by gundam, he wore it everyday and night "hey hajime where'd you get that cool scarf?" Nagito said trying to start a conversation with hajime before the test. Hajime again froze up in fear this time nagito noticed gundam holding hajimes hand as if for reassurance "WHAT DID YOU DO?!" The white haired male shouted

He grabbed gundam by the shirt and growled but gundam was still calm "I did nothing." He said calmly as hajime had a face of fear on, he had no idea what to do. 'Should I push him back?!' He thought in fear "I merely showed him what kind of monster you are." The black haired male mumbled into his scarf

(I am so sorry to every who loves ibuki also please recommend me other rivals, nagito and kaz and kuroi dont count since nagito is already a rival and you can tell by how kaz acts with kuroi)

Ibuki pov

I watched the argument between tanaka Chan and komeada Chan then I saw hinata chans face, it was filled with terror. Mr nanami broke it up but hinata Chan was checking on tanaka Chan as if komeada Chan was gonna do something like kill him. "You sure?!" Hinata Chan asked in worry, I should play some music for him later! That'll cheer him up! "Yes mi vida, I'm fine (under his breath) I wish he would try something." The bell rang and i went to sit with tsumiki Chan

3rd person pov


Hey bro


Dont '?' Me!


New info my god your boring. ¬~¬




What are you trying to say?

Just tell me.

Ibuki likes hajime and shes mad extroverted and always with Mikan so I dont thing a full out murder would fit her. Maybe let me try match making her with someone

Alright. If that fails I think hopes peak might close down for good.

Oh- 😳

"Gundam! Gundam look!" Hajime yelled to gundam to get his attention "yes mi vida?" "Look!" He pointed to a small baby fox that was walking next to hajime as if it was trotting "im now officially a fox mama now!"


Gundam looked at his phone to see the contact name 'máma' (I head canon gundams entire family speaks Spanish cuz hes half cuz of his mom in my head canon so- plz no judge also you CANT tell me that gundam yelling at kaz in Spanish isnt terrifying. THINK ABOUT IT) he answered while hajime held his 'fox baby'

"¿Sí mamá?" (Yes ma?) "Go find your brothers! Your father and I want to tell you both something special!" "Aye... Sí" (aye yes) he said hanging up the phone "hajime would you wish to accompany me as I look for me demon of a little brothers?" "Sure!" He said as the baby fox went in his scarf to sleep "I see you have your own dark devas of destruction!" "Mmhm! His name is... Uh..." "I understand this will sound uh odd but what would you name your future son?" "Hm... Kori" "good to know." He mumbled as they walked 

After 4 minutes

They came across a boy with half black and half white hair and one Grey eye on the white side and a red one on the other side "MONO!" He yelled angrily at his brother who flinched "what are you doing?" He asked noticing him texting someone "texting our prima Koma" (cousin in the feminine version its primo is masculine version) "oh."

After an hour before class

"Where is he?!" Then the bell rang "well find him at lunch" hajime said kindly as he put his hand on gundams shoulder "so you chose this?" The half and half haired boy asked the brunette "your handsome and kind you could get any guy you want but no you chose my idiota tonto of an older brother." (Dumb idiot) "HEY!" He smacked his little brother on the back of his head "OW!" He yelled while walking away "idiot" he mumbled "am I handsome gundam?" Hajime asked teasingly as gundam blushed a whole bunch "Y-yes... You are exceedingly handsome." He blushed a little and looked surprised "thanks gundam" he hid his face and blushed before saying "your really... Uh... Umm..." He mumbled the last part "huh?" "Your really really really cute!" He said before running off while gundam was standing there in surprise

"He thinks im cute?" He said in surprise and embarrassed before running to class

A few hours in class


"Ma im in class" "I thought you found your brothers and don't give me attitude young man" he got up and yelled in the phone which caught everyone's attention "I TRIED MÁMA BUT I COULDN'T FIND DIEGO BEFORE THE BELL RANG WHAT DO WANT FROM ME?!" (What was your favorite song from encanto? If you haven't seen it i suggest it! Its really good!) He then hung up the phone with a growl "stupid Diego." He mumbled with a small snarl before sitting down before he noticed everyones stares then heard a few giggles from a few classmates

"Hehe" hajime giggled as he hid his face in the pastel scarf as his baby fox laid in his lap and gundam got flustered "hehehehe... Sorry" he mumbled as he hid his face deeper in the scarf as he giggled "be quiet..." Gundam said as he also was laughing

At the dorms (Diego was in his dorm cuz he SKIPPED)

Gundam was hesitant to grab his phone but when he did uh....


39 text messages

"Oh s-"


Facetime call. He answered to his his white haired mother who had red eyes staring at him angrily, he gulped then her face turned to confusion "who's that?" She asked pointing to hajime who had on gundams sweater since gundam thought hajime was cold so he draped it over his shoulders "mi vida" he looked up "oh I never thought you would ever date anyone or even choose you" "MA!" He yelled angrily as hajime blushed but let out a small giggle "also Diego skipped school today so thats why I didn't find him" "oh. But young man I swear if you ever give me attitude again-" "gundam wheres suma?" Hajime asked looking around then noticed most of the animals were under the jacket that was draped over him "hehe never mind!" He giggled happily (hajime is in a giggly lovey mood)

And after while since gundam soon got extremely comfy with hajime he started showing the softer side to him. So he got in hajimes lap and put the phone next to him "why you in such a giggly mood?" He asked with a small laugh then hajime started giggling again

Knock knock knock

"GUNDAM F###### TANAKA!" Nagito yelled through the door, hajimes face filled with fear very quickly "I gotta go máma" he said as his mother said bye and hung up "mi vida let me handle this." He mumbled angrily

How do you think their interaction will go? Lil heads up hajime will be involved in this one so how do you think this will go? Im excited to see the comments also do you guys prefer 💐 or 🌺 or 🌼?

Bye! 🌺🌹🌷🌻🌸🌼💐

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