chapter 5

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A/N: :3 this whole chapter will be in 3rd person and this chapter im attempting to make LONG also trigger warning! Insecurity mentioned for kazuichi but its done after and nothing bad and remember YOU ARE PERFECT THE WAY YOU ARE AND I BELIEVE IN YOU! 🌺

The sun crept through the black curtains and landed a beautiful light on the black haired males face, it was now Friday he opened his eyes and yawned getting up but the first part of his routine since coming to hopes peak academy was to look at a bulletin board he had that was covered by red curtains 'when will my prince be mine already?!' He subconsciously yelled as he slowly became impatient, he turned to a wall that was covered by the same curtains. His wall of rivals. Chiaki now crossed out but sonia and nagito's face had knifes in the middle of the picture. The moment he looked at sonias picture he remembered yesterday and boy did the memory of that make him mad. He looked at the picture and punched wall next to it

He took a deep inhale "calm down... Clear sky's" he calmed down when he looked at his shrine of his prince, his eyes turned pink and had hearts in them as his heart fluttered at the picture but then he remembered something. There on his night stand stood a pastel box with a pink ribbon and attached to it said 'for my singularity hinata hajime from overlord of ice tanaka gundam' he had gotten his prince a gift after classes ended "wonder if saihara ever got his hat back" he mumbled as he grabbed a black and red hood with black pants and his iconic scarf

Flash back!

"Where are you going MURDERER?" Asked komeada with his head tilted "none of your business" "your probably gonna go kill people right?" Hinata came and heard what komeada said "nagito! That's mean! And tanaka kun is NOT a murderer!" It was to late. The overlord left the dorms "can y'all chill I get what nagito is saying is wrong and hinata I completely agree but go somewhere else with that!" A sassy hitomi kuroi said as he tried to focus on editing a video for a famous celebrity "sorry tomi"

End of flashback

"Its going to be harder now to kill him if he even noticed that" he mumbled angrily but nonetheless he started his routine

With hinata

The green eyed male was up before his alarm so he was extremely energetic today he wanted to try pottery at free period with tanaka "I hope saihara got his hat back he mumbled with a light chuckle he decided to go and paint a poster then the thought of tanaka came in his mind 'i've been getting this weird feeling around tanaka kun lately, like im in danger... Im starting to sound like nagito! Snap out of it hajime!' He mentally smacked himself then his small pet bunny came near his hand "hey pastel, you can't come on the building today.... Sorry!" He said to the bunny with sad eyes (hes wearing a pastel pink hoodie with lavender pants and blue bandages on since he hurt his hand)

With soda

He pinkette woke up to his snake on his face "hey ya new bolt!" He said happily "maybe I should wear something..." He remembered kurois favorite colors is black and purple (thats actually my favorite colors!) "black and purple!" He said while putting outfit together before going in the shower

After the shower

"My precious will love this outfit!" He yelled fixing his hair into its normal fluffy shape and grabbing his black and purple beanie his eyes sparkling with joy but then out of nowhere insecurity hit "do you think he'll like it mecha?" He asked the hognose snake who gave him the 'tounge wiggle' of approval "yeah what was i thinking?! Plus I can rock anything!" He said insecurity fading and his sharp smile showing

With kuroi

He stared at his black ceiling as his kitten sat in his lap, he was already done getting ready so he hopped on his computer and started playing Minecraft while his kitten lavender watched as it snuggled into his cat ear hoodie

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