✦ One ✦

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1. The Afterbite


Maybe I like it - Ida


"Mom, for the last time, I'm not sure if I'm coming home for Christmas this year." I groaned, frustratedly running a hand through my hair as I mindlessly plopped down on the sofa.

"Allison you haven't been home in two whole years, don't you think that's a bit too long to be away from family? It's like you just don't care about any of us anymore."

I rolled my eyes at how dramatic my mother was being. Taking a deep breath, I shifted in my seat, holding the phone closer to my ear as my mom continued to rant on the other end.

Every time mom had called, it was always because she wanted me to come back home.

Don't get me wrong, I love home, I love New York and all but it's just not home to me anymore. My home is right here, the United Kingdom.

She just doesn't understand that.

"Mom, trust me, if I could come home I would- you know that," I said in a soft tone, trying my best not to upset her. "It's just that I have so much more things to accomplish here. Did you know that I already sent in my résumé to this modeling agency-"

"Dammit Allison, you say the same thing every time I call you."

So do you

"I know," I sighed, looking down at my lap as I picked on my rather long, hot pink nails. "But I don't know, I guess I have a good feeling about it this time. Trust me, I just know something good is going to happen, I can feel it."

Previously, I had signed up for dozens of modeling gigs, contacted modeling agencies but my calls were never returned nor did I receive any emails.

But it's okay. I didn't lose hope- I won't lose hope.

This is my dream and I'm not going to give up on it, no matter what.

"But Allison . . ."

"Mom," I licked my lips, heaving a weary sigh. "You just have to trust me on this and believe in me. As for coming back to New York, as soon as things work in my favor, I'll be on the first flight back home. I promise you."

Mom sighed on the other end.

"Whatever you do Al, just know that your family will always support you and we miss you terribly."

I smiled. "Thanks mom, I love you."

"I love you too my dear."


"Clean up at table six!"

I groaned, shutting my eyes as I threw my head back. "Not again."

Nathan, who was at my side chuckled, taking his bottom lip between his teeth before staring down at me with his mischievous blue eyes. "You see, I would help you out but since you left me to suffer with those two annoying blondes from earlier . . . now I'm not too sure . . ." He trailed off, sticking his tongue behind his teeth, mocking me.

I cracked a wide smile and let out a laugh. "That was fucking hilarious. They were all over you and I was just trying to help my fellow sisters out," I shrugged innocently. "And besides, don't act like you weren't enjoying all the attention they were giving you."

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