'Happily ever after' Pt 2

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''sURELY yOu DidnT FORGET  AbOut ME IcYhOt?''

''You bastard!! I trusted you!!''

Shoto was in tears, Tenya and Jeffrey were dead, his lover was in danger, he just didn't know what to do anymore... 

Ernie pulled out his barbie phone and dialled 911


The scar faced man tried to pry the phone out of Ernie's hands but stopped dead as he was threatened with a gun put to his head,

sirens blared in the distance...

*time skip*

'YOU STUPID FUCKING DINOSAUR!' Elmo filed a restraining order against ernie! and you couldn't even keep watch?! oh my gawd... Officer barney whimpered quietly.

Officer Minaj turned her attention to the scene in front of her and looked ernie dead in the eyes as he pressed the gun to the hero's forehead smirking defiantly whilst officer minaj tried to deescalate the situation

''zon't zon't zo it''

but it was too late.

a shot had fired and shoto was-


suddenly Jeffrey star rises from the ground glowing with layers of highlighter

''hmm..what's the matter Ernie don't like the look of my BULLETPROOF HIGHLIGHTER?''


ernie manically fired bullets at jeffree screaming 'ELMOS MINE' 'YOU ALL RUINED MY LIFE'

but the bullets we're just being absorbed by the beauty influencers body as he floated closer and closer to Ernie

Suddenly shoto saw an opening,

He backflipped with style landing a foot on Ernie's back pushing him down to the floor, whilst screaming 'officer Minaj, NOW!'

Officer Minaj dove to the floor, grasping Ernie's wrists, securing them with handcuffs and then shoved him into the car and waved goodbye to her friends driving Ernie to jail.  

'WHOOOOOO' all the wedding guests jumped out from there hiding spots and all that excitement resurrected a confused Tenya who confusedly joined in.

Lord Farquaad started tap dancing, deku drank a whole bottle of swamp water, bakugo cried and donkey started twerking on the table whilst elmo ran up to shoto connecting their lips in a passionate smooch ;)

Fin. ;)

A/N long story short this was a crackfic that had been sitting in my drafts for about a year so I decided to finish it, hope you liked this clusterfuck of dumb ideas :)

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