Like a Fiddle

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Dancing around bonfires at a Halloween party;
Everybody is nobody here.
I've been chaotically searching for clarity;
Having travelled the world over.
But I can't seem to find nothing but wasted time;
In the tall grass of a man desperate for airtime.
As an emotion, not quite rage,
Takes Center stage;
Folklore is written in present day;
And this anger just won't go away.

I can see you reading alone in the library;
I wonder whatever it is that's got you so lonely.
I can hold your sadness close;
Force it to became a ghost.
I am yours until I'm not;
Who knows how long we've got.
I'll love you til you solve the riddle;
And play you like a goddamn fiddle.

Finding friends in Bacardi;
And enemies in me.
I thought loving you would be easy.
Judges and executioners never get along;
A calamitous love story going all kinds of wrong.
What have I done? Who have I become?
I can't believe I'm actively hurting someone.
But I need you and you need me;
Beautiful distractions from our finality.

I saw you in the supermarket the other day;
Your hair was different; and your skies weren't grey.
I want to talk to you, see how things are;
But guilt is a powerful thing, it won't let me go that far.
So, I'll courteously smile and throw you a wave;
But you ignore me, and I dig my own grave.
I solved you and you broke me;
How's that for laughable irony?
I loved you til you solved the riddle;
And played you like a goddamn fiddle.

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