Part 6

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So Lilly got Bella and me ready. When we walked out, my knight and Bella's knight was waiting outside.

"Good morning Sir Carson, Sir Rowan. Were you two waiting for long?"

"No, your highness. We just got here because I had to help Sir Rowan since he was looking for Princess Isabella." Sir Carson replied

"I see. Well let's go."

3rd POV...

 "Why do I have a feeling you are lieing, Sir Carson? You see, I showed Rowan around yesterday. He also saw which direction my sister ran with me. My brother was also standing there, meaning if Rowan forgot, where my sister's room was he could of asked my brother. Rowan, would you please like to tell me what's really going on and why I see black mist around you? Could it be that Sir Carson uses black magic?" Isabella asked

"You are quite smart for someone who is only 5. Well seems like this won't do anymore since you found out about my sercet." Sir Carson responded

"How about you just leave, because I'm not in the mood to deal with... You were that guy wearing the cloak last night. I was wondering why it was hard for me to control my magic. So what shall we do with you? Take you to my father or just deal with you directly? What do you think sister?" Isabella demanded/ asked

"As badly as I want to see you deal with him, let's go to dad and see what he'll do." Estelle replied

So Isabella snapped her fingers and all four of them were in front of the kids (Not inculding Rowan) dad. When he saw them, he was happy until he saw the look on Isabella face.

"What made my daughter make such a unhappy face?" Their dad asked

"Sister's knight, Sir Carson, is a black magic user. He also is involved in a kidnapping case. Remeber last night Alex told me not to take to long with showing Rowan around? Well Duke Ernst's oldest son asked for Alex and my help to find his little sister, so yesterday we did a rescue mission. Rowan helped us out. So Rowan and Young master Eugene went to get his little sister. Alex and I went to find the ones who kidnapped Lady Hari, when we found them, I saw a guy in a cloak, I thought it was odd since this morning I felt the same feeling I did last night when I meet Sir Carson this morning. I thought about dealing with it myself, but I thought it would be more fun if you take care of it daddy!" Isabella replied

"Of course! Rowan, please take Isabella and Estelle out please." Their dad commanded

"Yes, Your majesty. Blessings and Glory upon the Obelian Empire. Let's go princess Estelle, Bell. Why don't we already go to the dinning hall. I think your brother is waiting." Rowan Replied

So Rowan, Isabella, and Estelle left and started walking towards the dinning hall. When they got there, they saw Alexander waiting, so Estelle ran over and hug him.

Isabella's POV...

"I wonder what she is going to do when Alex get's older? I wish I could frezze time so I could see this all the time."

"You can. Remember I can also use magic? And you can also use magic. Don't you have memory stones?" Rowan asked

"Yeah I do! Thanks for reminding me!" 

So I pulled out a memory stone and recorded Estelle and Alex hugging. Then Alex saw me and wave me over. I ran over to him and hugged him and Estelle. 

"The three of you are cute. I hope that the three of you will grow up happy and healthy. Let's go inside." Rowan replied

"Who is cute? I told you not to call me cute unless you have a death wish."

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