Part 17

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"Go away. I have to talk to father." She turned and looked at me. "Yuu, go get some rest. I'll start training you later." Isabella replied

"Understood, Issy."

"Don't call me Issy. Don't tell me Ayato told you to call me that just to annoy me?" Isabella asked

"Maybe he did. Maybe he didn't."

"I'm gonna kill that boy. Well, don't get into any trouble. Rowan, please watch him. Last thing I need to deal with is the knights and the maids complaining ." Isabella replied

After that she walked off. She came back about 2 hours later. I could tell something was wrong.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing. Let's start your training. Which is gonna be hard since you are the only one here from the Moon Demon Company. Anyway, let's start." Isabella replied

2 months later...

"Your training is complete, Yuu. Tomorrow, you'll be coming with me back to the dragon realm. There we will meet the others. I hope they didn't get into any trouble." Isabella replied

"Can't you for once say something nice? Like, good job?"

"She is saying something nice. In a way she is saying congratulations for completing your training." Someone replied

"How did you get in here four eyes?"

"Please don't call me that. Hello your highness." Shiho replied

"Hello, Shiho. I hope your training has progressed enough for tomorrow." Isabella replied

"Of course. Although I wonder if Yuu will be able to work in a team." Shiho replied

"Be nice, Shiho. Don't forget that I'm going too. Are the others here too? If so then please follow me." Isabella replied


"I'll tell you inside. Get down." Isabella replied

I did as she said. I saw that she pulled out her sword and ran off somewhere. 

"Shit. How the hell did they get in?" Isabella yelled

She turned around and looked at me. her eyes were trembling.

"Get inside. Now, before they find you." Isabella yelled

I quickly got up and ran over to her. I could tell she was pissed off by my actions.

"I'm not leaving. This is my battle as much as it's yours."

"Alright. Shiho get the others fast. Yuu and I will try to get the fight outside of the area. You'll be able to find us by using your weapon to track mine. Hurry." Isabella replied

Shiho ran off while Issy and I ran towards the vampires. But they already knew what we were up to and attacked us. They hit Issy very hard but she barely moved an inch. I looked in her eyes and saw that they were glowing. It startled the vampires so much that they tried to retreat.

Issy ran after them and attacked. But they hit her first. She was bleeding so bad that a normal person would have already been dead. 

"I knew that would work. Ready, Yuu?" Isabella asked

"Ready for what?"

"This." She replied

The scenery changed. I looked around and noticed we were in a abandoned empire. I looked at Issy and noticed her wings. 

"A dragon? Then that means she... is..." A vampire stuttered

"Isabella De Aleger Obelia. Although you might know me as Isabella Sakamaki." Isabella replied

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