Chapter ten_ Just the rescue part; Mixed feelings

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>>pic of Mason

Hannah's pov

I watched as Brianna lay motionless on the ground, her top clotted with fresh blood. I stood frozen in shock and I suddenly felt lifeless. A cold chill ran down my spine and a wave of panic washed over me. My friend just got shot.

"Hannah" Tyler called me. I turned to face him, worry written all over his face and I hugged him. After pulling away, I noticed that Veronica had the gun in her hands. Her hands were shaking and I saw that tears were threatening to fall from her eyes.

"I didn't mean for this to happen. It was a mistake" She muttered.

I didn't know what came over, I immediately rushed to Brianna side and I noticed thug Taylor had already beat me to it.

A sour teardrop fell from my face and I stared at my friend's stationary body. Taylor was already in tears and Tyler tried to confort us. "Hey, don't worry, she's going to be okay. There is enough time for her to make it, but right now she needs help".

A thought popped into my head, "Where's Maya?"

My eyes caught sight of Maya, she was already behind Veronica. She had a knife in her hand. I gasped. She held it around Veronica's neck and said, "Drop the gun"

Veronica obeyed quickly. I knew Maya wasn't joking, Veronica had just shot her sister, Maya we would not joke about that. Veronica turned pale and her eyes widened.

"Maya, don't" I warned her.

"I'm going to have to go to jail, anyway so it doesn't matter" She said her eyes puffy and red.

"No, you are not going to jail, it wasn't your fault" I tried to sympathise with her.

"Yes, even if I didn't kill Summer, I still took pot" She sighed.

"Yes but those weren't yours" I admitted.

"Guess, I will be arrested" Veronica shrugged.

I shook my head, "No! Atleast I hope not, you guys will be sent to a rehab"

A loud, irritating siren pierced the air and the flashing of blue and red light was seen. Police! My mom must have informed the police, of course she would.

A brawny officer stepped inside and demanded, " Everyone put your hands behind your back and drop solutions weapons"

I did as he said. Tears poured down Maya's cheek as she still held the knife to Veronica's throat, "I don't wanna go to jail"

"Just put down the knife and don't worry, you won't go to jail"

"I won't? "

"No, just come with me"

Maya seemed thoughtful for a moment before replying, "Sure"

"I promise" Officer, I scanned his name tag, Darrel assured her.

Maya let go of her and dropped the knife on the floor. Three other officers came in aiming their guys at us, Tyler and I put our hands up and they put their guns back.

They handcuffed Veronica and Maya and took them to the car, while another officer and a man from the ambulance put Bri on the stretcher and the freckled face officer with the green eyes, accompanied us outside.

As I walked outside, my eyes fell on my auburn haired mom and her hazel eyes were watery. I ran and embraced her and she gently stroked my hair.

"Honey, are you okay? " She genuinely asked me.

I nodded, " Yeah". She kissed my forehead.

Officer Darrel came up to us, "I hope you don't mind, ma'am but we have to take them down to the station for some questioning"

"All the proof you need is right here" Tyler cane you to us and handed him his phone with the audio.

"Thanks" I smiled.

"No problem" He replied back, returning the smile.

"Hannah" Taylor gushed and pulled me into a hug.

I mouthed to Tyler, we will talk later. I didn't get to thank him, for coming.

"Is Brianna going to be okay?" I found myself questioning her?

"I sure hope so, we can't lose her too! We already lost Summer! If Bri doesn't make it it will just be me and you, but anything happens to you-" She states her voice thick and cracks in the end.

I hugged her and wiped my eyes, which were now streaming tears like a river!

"Yes this is she. Yes, yes, excellent I will let her know" My mom smiles and cuts off her phone.

Confused I asked, " Who was it?"

"It was Brianna's parents, they are at the hospital and Bri had just arrived. The doctors said that the bullet didn't hit any organs luckily, and it was pierced lightly to her side, so she will be fine, once they removed the bullet" She spread the good news.

Taylor squealed as tears of joy trickled down her face. My face brightened instantly when I heard the great news and a smile broke onto my dry lips. I couldn't be happier.

I then saw Tyler standing near the house, staring off in the distance.

"Food for thought?"

"Oh hey Hannah"


"Did you hear anything about Brianna?"

"Errm, Yeah actually. The bullet didn't hit any if her organs, so she will be just fine"

"That's great news"

"Um Hey Tyler?"



"For what?"

"For coming to the rescue when I sent you that message"

"Yes, but sadly I didn't turn out to be the hero" He pouted. Honestly, I gotta admit he looked cute.

"You are my hero"

"I am?"

"Yes, you are" I chuckled.

"And anytime, you are in need of a hero, feel feel to know I'm here. Just call or simply message and I will be at your service" He grinned .

"Glad to know" I smiled coyly.

I looked back to see my now looking at us. "Hey I gotta go, but I'll you around?"


As I walked away from Tyler, I couldn't help but wonder if my life would ever be the same. Will I smile the way I used to? Will I still laugh the way I used to? Will I still remain the same?

Will things between our group be sorted out or will we eventually break? I do think that we are strong enough to hold this bond. It's now down to three of us, and I wouldn't be able to bear it if I lose another friend.

I know that today I have seen another side of Brianna that I have never seen before. She was strict, fearless and courageous. She was usually so peppy and happy but today she got shot. Hurt, sadness and depression penetrated through my veins. I knew I still had my friends, I even had Tyler. They will always remain there for me and That's one thing that will never change, but after Bri's near death experience, the drama and fights that we put up today, the way she stood you for Maya , the way she attacked Veronica, I thought this day would have never come, but I'm sure that Brianna would never be the same again.

*End of story* (not officially I have a bonus chapter planned and some other details as well. Look forward to the next update)

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