Chapter 3

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1 week later

Jimin's POV

My life hasn't been any different nor has it been much interesting

 Taeh has been hanging out with his crushes while I sit in the cafeteria with my friends like normal

 I seem to be much more paranoid than I naturally am and I don't know why and I still don't know why I started crying when Yoongi was hurt but I erased it off my mind and hopefully off my memory.

 Just when I though today could get any better it just got worse because it's raining today and everyone in my family knows that I have astraphobia

 I haven't told anyone about it because they might think of my as a wimp but I just have to cope with it because I really don't want to miss school

 I decided to wear something to hide my figure and also keep me warm because it is so freaking cold and windy now

" Morning Minie, We're leaving now," My mom said coming into my room, I picked up my bag and followed her towards the car

 seeing how grey they sky was made me hesitate to go into the car but I went anyway.

Taeh held my hand as we entered the school gate and went to our lockers

" Jimin are you okay, You're skin is pale," Taeh asked curiously cupping my cheeks

" Y-Yea I'm fine, Just a little paranoid," I answered playing with my sweater paws, He was about to say something until his most favorited people came to see him

" Hey Taeh bear," Jungkook greeted with a smirk, Taeh giggled flattered by his and J-hope's presents while I just stood and watched them

 It was sort of awkward to be there so I quietly sneaked my way out of their love triangle and went to cafeteria to read or just play with my fingers

 I went to the best part of cafeteria which is the corner because of how dark it is which brings a chilling feeling but on my way there I bumped into someone causing their beverage to splatter everywhere

" YAH! WATCH WHERE YOU ARE GOING PUNK!" The person yelled pushing me to the ground

 I tried getting back up but the male pushed my back down then he pulled my hood down revealing my face and at the same time lightening struck followed by thunder causing me to whimper in fear scurrying under the table

" Awww EVERYONE LOOK! This little coward here is scared!" He announce causing everyone to laugh at me and start calling me names like cry baby and coward

I couldn't stop the tears from pooling out of my eyes knowing that they are right, I am a coward

The guy pulled me out from the table by my collar and clench his fist aiming it towards me

I closed my eyes preparing myself to feel the burn but it didn't just burn, It scorched with pain

I spat out blood from my mouth slowly trying to crawl away but it was no use, He was about do it again but I fell out his grip and heard him groan in pain instead

I looked toward his direction saw him being brutally punched by the boy in a mask, Yoongi

 He was punching as though he lost his sanity judging from the wolf like growls coming from him

 I don't know if he was defending me or just scaring me more but it made me even more scared than I was before and I had a flash back again

 It was the same scene going on but much different and in a different school.

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