Chapter 4

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Jimin's POV

I've decided to take IU noona's advise and become Yoongi's friend it's going to be hard since he's so hard to talk to even though I've never talked to him before I can already tell that I'm going to slip up since I suck at talking to guys like him

 I even practiced on my pillows and my brain just didn't compute any words from my mouth even to a freakin' pillow.

 Before I go to school I reversed again to remember what I'm going to say to Yoongi so I won't mess up like I always do when talking to people

" H-Hey Yoongi, I made this cupcake for you, I-It's chocolate chip and I wanted to know if you and I can maybe be friend? No! Jimin that's too basic! 

Be more confident! Hey Yoongi, I like your hair, I bet it smells like strawberries, Wait what?! No! He's gonna think you're a freak sniffing his hair! Play it cool

 Hey Yoongi I got you some cupcakes, I baked it with my mom, Wait you don't tell a guy you baked it with your mom he'll think you're a baby, UGH! WHY IS IT SO HARD TO TALK TO A BOY!" I whined plopping myself on my bed in disappointment

 My mom came into my room and laughed when she saw my state," Jimin why were you talking to yourself?" Mom asked while bringing the cupcakes I asked her to decorate for me which she did very well

" I'm not talking to myself, IU noona wants me to talk to someone from my school but I'm really nervous so I tried to practice of my pillow and how do you think it worked out?" I asked after explaining everything

 She looked up thinking about it then spoke," No so good?" with that answered I groaned out of frustration and laying my head on her shoulder

 She chuckled at how miserable I got from just learning how to talk to someone

" Jimin it's not that hard to talk to someone, Just be yourself," She responded, I lifted my head not amused her suggestion

" So you want me to act like this, Hi YoOOoONnGi laaChIBoOLaALaA," I jokingly imitated myself as Mom burst out laughter while I joined her

"  You poor baby, You'll be fine, let's go before you reach late for school," She replied giving me my bag and we exited the room to Dad's car.

When we got there mom got out of the car and hugged us both, Most people might feel embarrassed but it felt really good to have a big soft hug from my mom before we go for a very stressful day at school

" Have a good day, Don't get into any trouble and we love you okayy," Mom spoke in a baby like tone shushing our cheeks and giving us each a peck on the nose before letting us go

" Bye mom," We said in unison and went off to class, Most people taught it was cute and some thought it was pathetic to let our mom treat us like babies but at least we know our mom loves us. 

Just as expected when we were at our locker Yoongi, Jungkook and Hobi came towards us

 I felt a massive pit in my stomach and a lump that stopped me from producing words

" Com'on Jimin you've rehearsed this so many times just say something!" I thought to myself and was taken off my thoughts by Taeh

" Minie, Don't you have anything to say to Yoongi?" He asked winking at me after

I looked at Yoongi as he gave me a questionable look behind his mask which only made my words refuse to come out

" I-I umm w-want-ted to u-uhh," My words kept malfunctioning while I held the cupcake behind me playing with the napkin it was held in

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