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"Do you have any idea what they are?" Stiles asks.

"No" I say as I tug on the chains again.

I hear Stiles gasp and I feel one of my hands break free.

"Stiles you okay?" I ask him.

"No, we've been locked up in here for over a week and there's no telling what the other us are doing"he says.

"You mean Void and Lucid, I don't know, but with the power my outside body has, I wonder how much damage I've done" I say, I tug on the other chain and suddenly it breaks.

"Stiles, look!"I say excitedly, I run over to him and unchain him.

"Well what now?, I mean where are we anyways, are we in your mind or mine?" He asks me

"I think our minds are connected, I mean after all, they clearly have something connecting them, you should have heard the way he was telling me to let her out, as if he...."

"As if he cares about her?" Stiles asks

"Yeah...." i say.

"Well they are both evil spirits" Stiles says

"But they can't just be demons, they have to be something else" I say.

"Well figure that out later now all that matters is getting out of here" Stiles says, he drags me outside of the room and I find myself in the middle of a grave yard.

"Are you seeing what I'm seeing?" I ask Stiles.

"Do you see the lacross field?" He asks me.

"No" I tell him, I walk towards the graves and see the names of my loved ones.

Bobby Singer, Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Castiel, Jack Kline, etc.

The ground begins to shake and I fall over.

I see hands begin to pop out of the graves, I see all of the desecrating corpses rise out of their graves.

"Stiles!" I say as I get back up.

He starts to yell and so do I, we begin to run away and find ourselves back in the room with the chains.

"What the hell was that?!" Stiles says.

"What did you see?" I ask him.

He looks at me with a worried expression.

"I saw Void killing everyone, and I felt it, he was controlling me..." he tells me.

"What did you see?" He asks me.

"I saw all the ones I loved graves, but they all climed out of their graves and started to chase me, their bodies, they were starting to desecrate" I say.

"If we're in our heads than we control our dreams" Stiles says.

I nod and we walk back into the room, I see a straight way to a door, I begin to walk to the door.

"Alex wait, do you see that?" Stiles asks me, I look at him confused but when i turn my attention back on the door and see writing on the wall.

"Cosmic Coven?" I say.

"You can read that language?, it's written in latin" Stiles says confused.

"I'm a witch remember" I say.

"Oh yeah"

"Wait, that seems familiar" I say, I remember the time me and Sam were looking at symbols carved on the kid I found.

"I think that's the witches coven that is trying to kill me, but maybe it's more than that though" I say as I start to think.

"Stiles...., I'm the Cosmic Witch, it must be my coven..." I tell him.

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