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Alex hears screams from the hallway, she runs out of her room and sees a man hanging from the stairwell.

"Oh my god" she says, she looks down and sees Stiles, she looks to see what hes looking at and sees Void and Lucid staring up at them.

"Shit" Alex says, she walks back to her room and sees Ivy sitting there.

"Hey can you check my back?, are those lines still there?, how dark are they?" She asks Ivy.

"Yeah, they're still there, and they're like a light purple color" Ivy tells Alex.

"Shit.." Alex mumbles as she lets out a sigh.

"I'm guessing that's not a good thing" Alex shakes her head.

"I have a question, what are you?" She asks Alex.

"Well are you a supernatural creature of any kind?" Alex asks her.

"I can sense that you are" Alex tells her.

"I'm an omega werewolf, I have no pack, there's another werewolf here too, her names..."

"Malia, I know" Alex says.

"I don't know if every werewolf can, but I can shapeshift into a wolf form" Alex tells her.

"That means you're an evolved werewolf" Alex tells her.

"Now what are you?" Ivy asks.

"I'm a witch, well it's a little bit more complicated than that, but I don't really know " Alex tells her

"But I thought they don't exists"

"Well they do, and so do angels and vampires, and sirens, demons and many more" Alex tells her.



A couple hours later of constantly going outside then inside and back and forth Alex sits down and looks at the time, its only 7:00

"Hey I'm gonna go see a friend" Alex says.

"You can't, they're gonna lock the doors soon" Ivy tells her.

"Why?" Alex asks her.

"They don't trust us at night" Ivy tells her.

"Okay well they're gonna have to find a new cell to lock me up in then" Alex says.

"Night, night" Alex hears someone say outside of the room, she hears the door lock and the lights shut off.

Alex waits to make sure the guards gone, she unlocks the door using a spell.

She opens the door and peeks out, she doesn't see anyone so she takes the chance.

"Bye" Alex whispers, Ivy waves.

She does a locater spell and finds Stiles room, the lights are already out but Alex can see Stiles staring out the window.

"Stiles" Alex whispers, he doesn't turn around.

"Stiles!" Alex whispers louder.

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