01 - The Coffee Stand

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"Sir, would you like to try some coffee?" I said while the guy just continued walking as if I was not there. Thanks to the friendliness of New York people. No one has time for one minute of conversation. Or free coffee. "Miss, do you want free coffee?". She just turned around and walked away. Rude. I am standing on a busy street in New York trying to hand out free coffee, and somehow no one has accepted it so far. Luckily there is good weather, and I am getting well paid to do this. Four hours of handing out coffee, easy to make some money.

"Sir, would you care for some coffee?". I already started turning around as no one responds to me. Though this time, after a few seconds, a response was heard. "I would like to try some.". I stopped mid-turn and turned back to the guy, even had to turn my gaze up to see his face. "You really want... Sorry, of course. Do you want any milk or sugar with it?" His face looked thoughtfully at my stand for a few seconds, before looking back at me. "No need, just coffee is fine." he responded.

While making a fresh cup of coffee, the guy looked closely at what I was doing. I mean, it is not that special to make some coffee. Oh wait, I need to give the talk. "So, yeah, this coffee is made with coffee beans from Brazil, which gives the coffee some extra flavour." I told him while handing him the cup of coffee. I quickly added "It might be hot now. It is best to wait a few minutes." He took the cup from me and looked at it intensily, like he was intrigued by the coffee. Now standing with him for a while, he dressed kind of odd. Not that anything could surprise me in New York, but the guy wore a suit that was completely black. Normally I wouldn't find that weird, but it is way too hot today outside to wear that much black clothing. He did not seem bothered by the heat though.

"When would I be ready to drink it?". I was pulled out of my thoughts by his question. He was now looking at me again. "Oh, sorry, euh, I think it is okay to drink it now.". With that being said, he glanced at the coffee, before sipping it elegantly. I saw on his face that he was trying to make up his mind. Probably if he liked it or not. "And?" I asked. "I do not see how people prefer coffee over tea.". I giggled at his response. "With that I can agree. Personally, I am more a tea person myself. But, if I might ask, why try the coffee then?". "To see what all the fuss is about. Why do you serve coffee if you prefer tea?".

"To make some money. I need some way to fund my student life.". He nodded politely after the explanation. Then there was silence for a few seconds, not akward, but a bit tense. "So.. Have a good day sir!" I said. A small smile appeared on his face. "A good day to you too, lady." he responded, after which he gave a small nod, turned around and walked away. I looked at him while he walked. He somehow stood out to the crowd, yet no one seemed to notice him.

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