02 - A Fundraiser

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"Okay girls! You all made some really pretty and tasty cookies. Now lets sell them. If you need any help, just shout for me.". Ten sweet ten year old girls were standing in front of me, all holding a box of cookies they made at home. They nodded very cute and then went to ask people if they wanted to buy cookies. One girl stayed behind, she was always a bit shy. I walked up to her. "Hey, shall we go ask that woman if she wants some cookies?". She nodded shyly and followed me.

"Excuse me miss, do you have a moment to listen to this girl?" I asked a friendly looking woman. The woman looked from me to the girl and said: "Of course, what do you want to ask sweetheart?". The girl looked to me for confirmation and I nodded for her to go ahead. "Do you want to buy some cookies miss? We are raising money so our dance school can continue next year. It is two dollars for a cookie." the girl said. I had a proud smile on my face as the girl is usually to shy to talk to strangers. "Then I would like to buy four cookies please" the woman answered. The girl squealed excitedly as she gave four cookies and received eight dollars from the woman. She then handed the money to me, so I could keep all the money safe. As the woman left, I turned to the girl. "See, it is not that hard. Try to sell some more cookies.". The girl laughed and turned around to ask more people.

I looked around as the girls worked hard to collect the money. The dance school is specifically for people that do not have a lot of money. Therefore, not a lot of funds go into the school, hence the fundraising. The girls really have a special place at the school, they are always excited to join the lesson and to talk to their friends.

"Miss Y/N!". After a while I was called by one of the girls. I turned around to find Chloe waving at me. I walked towards her and asked: "What is it Chloe?". "The man asked a difficult question.". "That is okay Chloe. Go and help the others.". As she smiled and ran away, I looked up to see the man she was talking about. He looked familiar. After a few seconds my brain clicked, I have met him a week back when handing out coffee. He wore the same outfit, a black suit. It was definitely him. His face had the same expression of recognition.

"So,", I started saying, "what was your question?". It took a second before he reacted with a small smile and said: "I was asking the little lady how much funds were required.". I looked at him puzzling. Why would he be interested in that? "Well, honestly, every dollar is welcome. All the money is used for providing a safe space for the children and a nice year of dancing for them.". He grabbed a dark green wallet out of his pocket and slowly looked inside it. "Would a thousand dollars suffice?" he asked, looking into my eyes. My mouth dropped upon hearing the amount. Was he serious? I looked back into his eyes to see whether it was a joke, but he only showed sincerity. A small smile appeared on his face when he noticed I needed to process what he said. I quickly tried to compose myself. "Are you sure? That is a very big number!". "I am aware." he answered. There was a small twinkle in his eyes. "That is very generous. I.. I honestly do not know what to say. At least take some cookies with you!" I said while looking around if ine of the girls are free to help give the man some cookies.

"No need" he answered. As I turned back around to him, he held the money towards me, urging me to take it. I looked doubtfully to the money. He really had that much cash with him. I should give something in return. "At least let me give you a ticket to the dance show of next week" I said as I took a ticket from my purse. He nodded as we exchanged the money for the ticket. He looked at the ticket in thought. "Truly, thank you!" I said. "My pleasure.". He gave a small smile. I noticed that I smiled back. "So,", he continued, "will you be dancing at this show?". I chuckled at his question, making him rise an eyebrow. "No I will not, but these lovely girls will. I've trained them all year, so now is their time to shine." I said proudly.

"Miss Y/N!". I almost forgot about the girls selling their cookies. "Sorry, just a moment." I said to him while turning around to go help the girl who shouted my name. "Have a good day lady ...". You did not hear the rest of the sentence as you were walking to the girl. When you were done helping her, you turned around to see that the stranger left. Your spirit went down a little, you did not got to say goodbye. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2021 ⏰

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