𝐀𝐂𝐓 𝐈: Chapter6

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Since they were already on the ground floor of the renovation studio, all the tributes were already standing in pairs on the chariots, each pulled by four horses

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Since they were already on the ground floor of the renovation studio, all the tributes were already standing in pairs on the chariots, each pulled by four horses. The opening ceremony is about to begin.

When Dallas and Harry stood on the wagon, he carefully grabbed the reins.

"You don't need to hold them." The horses have been trained well. They will do it all on their own." said Zayn's stylist partner. Without Harry noticing, Zayn stood behind him, although he is almost six years older and Harry was almost as tall as him. His warm hands were suddenly resting gently on his hips.

After Harry flinched briefly, Zayn tightened his grip on him. His warm breath was strong against Harry's cool skin as he whispered in his ear. Harry stood tense in his arms, listening.

"Don't be afraid. When you're out there, just look straight ahead. Maybe smile a little; you have to come across as a little shy." Harry nodded slightly.

Why is he helping me but not Dallas?

"Even though you should come across as shy, stand up straight. You don't want them to think you're going to die in the first few minutes. So, stand proud." Harry nodded again.

"When the sponsors see you, they will see a strong contrast between you and Dallas." Confused, he looked over his shoulder at Zayn's face, which was now very close to Harry's.

Overwhelmed, he tried to get away from him a little.

"What do you mean?"

How are Dallas and I so different? Aren't we both just children?

"While Dallas showed herself to be very strong and self-confident from the start, you were very afraid, as the sponsors have already seen. It would be stupid for us to cover up your nervousness, because one way or another, someone will notice it. I think the more openly you come across, the more charming you are. This is how you will also get sponsors." A grin spread over his lips again.

"Your appearance also helps with that." Uncomfortably, Harry peered at his playing hands that were close to his abdomen. You always make me feel flattered. He inhaled deeply before turning to face Zayn. For a brief moment, Harry wrinkled his nose unconsciously and blushed. He just hoped Zayn wouldn't notice. When he saw Zayn misinterpret his facial expression, he rolled his eyes.

Just because you're fucking sex on legs doesn't mean I'm interested in sleeping with you. Even though you're so georgous.

Flattered, Zayn smiled at him with bright eyes.

The opening music sounds. It could be heard all over the Capitol, it was so loud. The heavy doors opened, and he could see the empty streets where they would be for about twenty minutes. Then they will arrive at the central square, where they will be welcomed. While playing the anthem, they will be brought to the training center. Which will be the tributes' home and prison at the same time until the games start.

The two District 1 tributes were brought out on their white horses as Harry watched in awe. The tributes wore light, airy, and white clothing.

The fabric waved in the air as the horses began to move evenly. The white fabric was embroidered with shimmering gemstones. That looked even more beautiful in the evening sun than in daylight. The female tribute wore an extravagant tiara that sparkled just like her airy dress. The male tribute wore a baggy suit of the same fabric as his fellow tribute.

Their stylist was guaranteed to have it easy because District 1's job is to make luxury goods. And this is exactly why this district is so popular with the Capitol: because the people from the Capitol like to use sparkling goods.

Harry is not surprised that they get a lot of sponsors. With the way they look and the training they are doing illegally in the district. It's always going to be easy for them.

The second district's tributes came after the first. The attire of the tributes was pure gold. He is unclear as to how the district had been represented. Masons and stonemasons are represented in the second district. They educate peacekeepers as well. In comparison to many other tributes, they are thus much better prepared.

Without realizing it, Harry glanced at the male tribute, who was returning his gaze as they were about to leave. Harry was struck by his piercing blue eyes. The tribute turned away with a smile.

He was in such a stupor that he was oblivious to the diminishing amount of tributes. It was soon time for Harry and Dallas.

They were pursued by Zayn and his stylist colleague once more, who fixed their hair and attire. Although Harry is fairly certain that nothing moved, stylists may simply be perfectionists. Given his lack of style, he cannot know.

"You look beautiful." says Dallas' stylist, who is calm and smiles gently at him. Zayn turned more toward Harry and put a hand around his waist.

"Remember, keep your head up and smile."

He nodded with a tight smile. "Make me proud." With a huge grin, he got off the car just as it started to move.

Harry clenched his fists together firmly. Exactly this is what Dallas observed. She hesitantly placed a hand on his shoulder and gripped it as though to support him.Harry clenched his fists together firmly. Exactly this is what Dallas observed. She placed a tentative hand on his shoulder and gripped it as though to support him.

"You're not going to deal with this on your own. Okay, we're going here together." Harry stared at the crowd, which hadn't even seen them yet and maybe never will. He nodded a little. They focused their attention too much on the tributes in front of them.

But then one after another gave them a look that did not immediately deviate again.

They encouraged them as they watched in shock and awe. Shouted Harry and Dallas' names.

Holy shit.

Cheer up and smile.

That echoed through Harry's head consistently as he did just that. He waved to the people and winked at a few men. However, the women next to them thought he meant them. The cameras recorded all of this. When Harry looked straight into the camera, he noticed a few people whispering to their seated neighbors.

It had a déjà vu-like feeling. There are cameras trained on him, a large number of people are keeping an eye on him, and it seems as though he is nearing his end.

The twelve carriages filled the central square. The citizens of the Capitol huddled around the windows of the houses to peek at the tributes. The music ended when their carriage stopped.

President Snow was an old, short, and thin man with white hair. He looked at each tribute with a friendly gaze, as if he was welcoming them

as white as the snow at Gemma's before it turned red.

President Snow greeted the tributes from his balcony.

He delivered his speech while the faces of the tributes were recorded. After the speech, the tributes were recorded again as they drove back in the carriages.

As soon as they arrived, the stylists were waiting in front of them, assisting them as they exited the vehicle. Instead, Dallas handled every aspect alone, while Zayn just assisted Harry.

"I told you it would all work out perfectly," he said, grinning slyly.

"After years, District 12 has gotten a little attention. And the other tributes don't like that at all." said Dallas' stylist. Dallas and Harry peered around, confused. And indeed, several tributes gave them hostile stares. Pulled-down brows, flared nostrils, and sneering mouths all around. But Harry also saw that there were not only angry looks but also disgusted ones.

However, these were only aimed at Harry alone.

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