𝐀𝐂𝐓 𝐈: Chapter8

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Dallas, Haymitch and Effie were already sitting at the table when Harry stepped into the room

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Dallas, Haymitch and Effie were already sitting at the table when Harry stepped into the room. All three were already eating.

Don't you wait until everyone is there?

He sat quietly across from Haymitch, next to Dallas.

After the conversation with Zayn, Harry wasn't really hungry, but at least he forced himself to eat. If he wants to do good, then he mustn't fall over because he's not eating.

The most diverse meat dishes were on the table with many different sauces. Since there were so many side dishes standing next to them, he didn't really know what to eat.

Shortly before Harry had finished piling everything he needed on his plate, Zayn crept into the room. Nobody really paid any attention to him. They looked up, then back down to their plates.

Haymitch cleared his throat to get Dallas and Harry's attention. "In order to create a plan, or to help with it, I first have to know how you want to work."

What does he want?

"Okay, so there are different options. Either you train together or individually. I want an answer tomorrow."

Dallas looked at her half-empty plate with pressed lips.

Harry pressed his lips together tightly. Actually, he already knew how it would work. Dallas will say tomorrow that she wants to train on her own. She definitely doesn't want him with her. He would just be another burden on her shoulders for her. Although she doesn't even know what he's capable of.

Harry sighed softly. If she thinks she's getting on better that way, he'll let her.

With raised eyebrows Harry looked at Haymitch, who was already staring at him with a funny look. His lips pressed together, eyebrows drawn low on his face.

"Training starts tomorrow with the other tributes. So prepare for it." With that he got up and left the rest of them with long, loud steps.

Shaking his head, Harry considered what to do next. Should he continue to pretend he is an easy kill? Follow David's advice? Or should he think of some other way? Is there any other way?

The chair squeaked along the tiles a few inches as Harry jerked up in frustration. With long strides he walked down the hall and felt the glances of Zayn and Dallas burn on his back.


The snow crunched under the steps of the heavy feet. Red shimmered on the thick boots that made the noise. With bated breath she crouched behind the stone.

More crunch could be heard in the background, followed by laughter and talking. Looking carefully over the stone, she stared into the faces of other tributes. It was only with luck that she was not seen, otherwise one would not only hear the crunch of the snow, but also screams and the breaking of bones.

She ducked again, her breath trembling, waiting. Waited for something to happen. Though she had little hope, she stared into the bright, cold sun.

With a scream, she was lying on her back on the cold floor. The moisture sank through the jacket, which was much too thin. The snow turned red with one loud crack.


Since Harry's been at the Capitol, those disturbing dreams have come up over and over again. Gemma's pale face, her hair around her head like a halo. Surrounded by blood. In Harry's opinion, it can't get any worse. Who wants to dream of his sister's death every night? Harry certainly doesn't, but we don't always get what we want.

He had been sitting there for several hours. In his bed, in the safety of the dark. What he does not see cannot frighten him. Since he had closed the curtains on the windows the evening before, he didn't know at that moment whether it was already morning or still in the middle of the night.

Involuntarily he got up from the warm bed. The thousand pillows were in every corner of the bed, some even on the floor. Rubbing his eyes, he sauntered to the window and opened the curtains.

Bright light clapped quickly on his face. Completely blinded, he turned around quickly. With a grimace he tried to blink the white dots away from his sight.

When was breakfast again?

His stomach answered immediately. The only thing that could be heard in the otherwise quiet room. Harry grumbles annoyed as he stood on the cold bathroom tiles and cleaned his face with soap and water, then dried it off with a disgustingly soft towel.

It doesn't even dry off!

Again Harry picked out an outfit for the first part of the day. The second part he will have to spend in training clothes.

The long-sleeved, green top, matched to the dark gray, almost black trousers, did his figure very well.

With quiet steps he crept through the hallway to the common room, where the large table was already covered with delicious treats. His stomach growled again, a loud noise that briefly drowned out the also quiet footsteps of Dallas.

"You'd think you'd get enough to eat here." A small grin played on her lips as she sat at the table and covered her plate with fresh bread and toppings. Busy with suppressing an eye roll, he didn't see Dallas drop her grin and Haymitch stalking into the room. They whispered softly to each other, most likely they are already planning future motives for Dallas.

Glaring at the two, Harry ate his breakfast.

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