Sal x Travis part 1

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The hall were alway dim in the recent years Addison apartments were falling apart since Lisa got sick. She was the glue that held this place together. I put the key card in going back down to the basement.

As soon as I get downstairs to the apartment my phone start to ring. The phone read unknown. I picked it up.

"Hello," I said.
"Hey.. um this is Travis," the caller on the other side said.
"Oh, hey how did you get my number,"
"Ash gave it to me," Travis answered my question.

The line went quite.

"Um so Sal"
"Yeah," I replied.
"Im sorry, Ive been a dick for a long time to you and you don't deserve that I'm sorry I really am," Travis said with a whisper tone.

"Oh, where did that come from," I ask.
"Some stuff happened tonight and I got to thinking about it and I realized that I'm the bad guy I'm sorry Sal I really am," Travis said.
"Are you ok?" I asked this was so out of character for him something bad had to happen.

"Yeah," he stopped talking and sighed, "not really but I'll be ok."
"Want to tell me what happened?"
"I'm ok thank you for being nice you don't have to do that," Travis replied.

"Just Im sorry for bothering you,"

Larry walked out of his room giving me a weird look and asked who I was on the phone with.

"You're not bothering me I just want to know what happened," I said. Larry stood there confused.

"I'm sorry I have to go my dad is back home bye sal,"

The line went dead.

"Dude what was that all about," Larry said.
"Travis called and apologized for everything," I said with obvious confusion in my voice.
"What the hell," Larry kinda shouted.

"I'm just as confused as you,"
"You think he's high?" Larry asked.
"No, he would get killed I think somethings wrong he said something happened.

⚠️TW: mental abuse and yelling) please if you have a problem or don't want to read click off

Travis's POV:

I hung up the phone.  I sat there in my closet all my lights off trying to control my breathing. He was normally not this drunk but he had a bad day and I made him mad.

Im so fucking stupid.

If I would have just did what he said to do the first time I wouldn't be hiding.

"Get out here you little sinner," Dad yelled from the hall.
"You can't hide forever," he yelled. He walked up to the top of the stairs. "You're a pussy, get out here and face me like a man!"

He busted my door open. I tried to stop breathing I was hidden under a pile of clothes in the corner of my closet.

"You pussy fight me," he yelled and left my room.

*TimeSkip to school next morning* (Still Travis pov)

I had new bruises on me. The bruises where littered up my arm and a mark of my dads hand print on my face.

I tried to cover it by wearing my hood that's on my hoodie. I needed to find Ash she would have makeup to cover it up.

Ash was with Sal and Larry. Ash called me over and I decided to just go over there despite Sal and Larry hating me.

"Hey, Travis," Ash said in a monotone voice.
"What was that call about," Sal said pulling me to look at him.
"Oh what the fuck," Larry said.

All three of them saw the hand print on my face. Following that they asked a hundred questions. I started to panic. If people found out I would get blamed for it everything was my fault but I didn't want my dad to get in trouble.

My breathing started to be sharp and I was shaking.

"I'm sorry I shouldn't have came over here," I said and walked away as fast i could.
I walked to the bathroom.

As gross as it was I found comfort in that bathroom stall. I was aloud to cry. I was aloud to be me. I was aloud to think about how much I needed sally.

That stall was more of my home than the one that I sleep at. I'd never felt scared here. I wasn't fighting to stay alive here. I had no reason to have a guard up. I was safe.

"Travis," Sal said in his soft voice knocking on the stall door.
"Yeah," I said through sniffles.
"What happened,"

"What always happens, I said something, dad got mad, and he went and got drunk, and I got what I deserve for making him mad" I explained.

"That's bullshit Travis it's not your fault," Sal said.
"It is though if I would have just did what he said it wouldn't have happened,"  I said.

Sal slid underneath the stall and was now sitting there with me.
"Whoa this is commodious," Sal said trying to lighten the mood.

I'll admit it worked I laughed.

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