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P.O.V: Dema

Within seconds I'd threw myself out of the hut, I couldn't bare to look at either of them- For twelve years they'd been my life, and had taught me of the same values as Theia, all for it to be torn down in a mere breath. I was angry, spilling from every seem at how they could do such a thing to such a pure child. Theia deserved their love- their true love, not this malice and deceit.

I crashed down at her feet where she was still- Now asleep, but bound to the great Oak, I began cutting her free.

"Dema?" She grumbled a yawn, "What's happening?" She'd never been this scared before, not even the time she's partially phased, maybe all her abilities could clearly sense this wasn't going to be anything good.

"I don't know Fie" I couldn't- I couldn't kill her like that, let alone repeat the foul words he'd once spread. "I'm not really that sure what is going to happen to you, I swear I'll do my best to keep you safe."

"A-Are they going to take me?" She stuttered as I pulled her too her feet, "Oh." I guess my eyes gave away more than I'd hoped.

"I know this is the only family you've known. But they are your family too."

"But I don't want to leave this family."

"I'm sure when the time is right, you'll be able to return. And just think of how much you'll have to tell us."

"I- I - Please don't let them take me."

"I'm sorry Fie... Ashton did his best, there is nothing more that can be done"

"Oh... Will I get to see him?"

"Ah, here we are." The pair of us turned, it was Michael the vampire with the dark hair and devilish glare. Theia stumbled a step away from his, her complete broken composure left her in a distort and confused state.

"I'd like to stay" She snivled

"Too bad pumpkin... It's not as if they like you anyway" He chirped,

"DON'T" I growled

"Don't, what witch? Don't go forgetting you haven't got a tail around here. She'll know the truth eventually, I'm not going to prolong the inevitable."

"What do you mean?" She whimpered

"Bless it, the poor thing." Michael tutted approaching and dropping to her level "You see Theia- You're just as blind at love as your mother was."


... Long time, no see! Saw a couple people adding this to reading lists so thought I'd have some fun. Let me know if you'd want me to continue it xx 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2021 ⏰

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