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A scoff erupts his cruel lips, as he messily pushes Ashton's shoulder in an attempt to provoke the boy. "You're the 'Nuova Vita? Boy do you think I'm stupid as well as blind?" He chuckles coldly suddenly stepping closer to Ashton, grabbing his jaw forcefully, tilting it up controlling the eye contact. "You think I haven't read all the scriptures, we all know the 'Nuova Vita' is... Female. Not to mention she must be someone special to you... I doubt you'd let any demon steal your blood" His spills crudely from his lips as if a ship leaking oil. His actions fast as within seconds he tears Ashton's sleeve off, displaying the multitudes bite marks over his neck and collarbone.

"Silly, silly boy" he tuts while chuckling. "You should have gave her us! We were the only people who can control her!" He spits bring a knife from his pocket slowly pressing the tip against his arm forcefully, digging it in and dragging it downwards. My lips a agape a cold breath of shock escaping as I stare at Ashton- his arm a canal, holding a sea of blood.

I watch as he grabs his wound, searching through the crowd to meet Theia's awaiting red orbs. The hands on several member of the pack attached tightly to her body in their effort to restrain the demon inside her; as her arms throw out clawing on to the air attempting to bring herself closer to her beloved.

I look across, to watch on as the demon towers over Ashton. "Well, well, well. It looks like your little friend likes your blood... a lot." He chuckles out while crouching down to the Ashton, kneeling on the ground. I quickly push off my feet, rushing my fastest to Ashton's side my hand latching around the gushing wound.

"Oh and what's this? A witch doctor? Oh my you do have a varied bunch don't you" The man insults as I bite my lip focusing on healing the wound of Ashton's. If he came here wanting no trouble, by far he has brought it by accident-firstly no body hurts the Alpha's son. Secondly nobody under Theia's watch hurts him and lives to tell the tale.

Blind Love// AFI & CTHDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora