9) Burn

250K 11.6K 3.3K

Hi guys! :)

It's been a while but thankfully my mock exams are over- now I'm just practising for the actual exams on May/June.

And OMG I noticed that last chapter had like over 1K votes...WOW that's even more than FA gets per chapter! :o

If you all could vote like that for this one and the following ones as well then it'd be great! I'd really appreciate that.

It really motivates me a lot upon seeing all the support.

And please don't think that I write because of the amount of votes and comments I get. I write because I love to and don't know what I'd do if I didn't.

It's just that its always nice to see the support and feedback from you all. I mean, that's the point of wattpad right? To write what you love get the feedback on it?

Anyway, I'll stop talking now lol.

* * * * * *

I walked down the staircase nervously hoping not to tumble over the fabric of the pastel pink coloured gown. Thankfully, it wasn’t anything scandalous looking I would have presumed Vitaly to choose. I had to admit it was the most beautiful and elegant thing I ever wore, and trust me, I wore a lot of dresses before.

Vitaly locked his eyes onto mine at the bottom of the staircase and I swore I saw the hint of a subtle smile. Natalia, with her long form fitting yet classy dress, frowned as he retrieved me. I honestly was a bit surprised Vitaly would even hold his hand out for me. Then again, he was a peculiar man and you had to expect anything from him. From a distance, I saw Blondie walking towards us with a serious expression.

“What’s wrong Sevastian?” Vitaly asked taking note of him.

“Something came up, go with the others to the function. I’ll take care of the issue here.” he replied.

“Call me if you need anything.” Was all Vitaly stated in response.

I awkwardly tried to even my breaths as we walked out the house and sat in the car. I thought Natalia would have come with us but she didn’t. Instead, she went her own way.

“Are Nik and Mikhail at the function already?” I asked taking in their absence.

Vitaly’s hand seemed to tighten around the wheel for a brief moment and he replied in a short icy breath, “Yes.”

“Oh.” I smiled.

It was beginning to become a little to tense inside the car as my dear driver dwelled in a hellish silence. What was he so concerned about?

“What’s wrong?” I asked in a gentle voice, cautious he might snap at me.

His knitted eyebrows and hardened expression seemed to relax at my voice and he silently sighed with a soft smile.

“What makes you think something’s wrong Angel?”

“You look very…angry. Are you mad at me?”

He looked at me for a short second and his eyes seemed to caress into my soul.

“No.” he answered with a soft raspy laugh, “I’m not.”

“Oh, okay.” I said trying my best not to throw more questions at him.

After that, he seemed to be a lot less intense. I turned the music up trying to find a good song until I finally stopped at one of my favourite tracks.

“Oh my gosh! I love this song!” I beamed.

He seemed slightly startled at my reactions but ignored it.

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