Chapter Ten

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Alessandra Drakkon

Queen of the Drakkon Empire

I watch my guards and Caius emerge from the Trennite shuttle, they are all whispering to each other, looking around with curiosity. The Morgasian's may not have progressed as far with artificial intelligence as the Drakkon had but they did have good cameras. Which is what I was using to watch them from afar, to listen to their whispers. "What does the King of Morgase want with us? Surely he has more important people to speak with than us." Yanu's words may have been spoken quietly, but the surveillance system in the Morgase Palace picked them up perfectly.

"Who knows, maybe he has suspicions about Alessandra's death like we do." Tanza's words are met with scoffs from Raywin and Kailen, they both look like they very much doubted that Kalo had any knowledge about my death.

"He wants war, you all know that he cared for my cousin, I imagine he wants us on his side when he declares war against Drakkon." Yanu looks at Caius with a furrowed brow, looking very confused by Caius' words.

"Maybe, but he must know that you would never join him, to go against Drakkon, with your position that is akin to going against yourself." Yanu's words were fair, before Caius met me, I imagine there was nothing that would make him turn traitor against the Drakkon Empire, but now I wasn't so sure, and based on the look on his face, neither was he.

"Yes, maybe a year ago and I would agree with you, but now, after meeting Alessandra, getting to know her, fighting with her, I am not so sure anymore that the Drakkon I would be going against is the same Drakkon I used to know and love. Everything is different now, I am different now, after meeting Alessandra everything changed, she changed me and the entire Drakkon empire, the five of you are proof of that. Did you ever think an Entitled would free the Spliced? Pay of your debts? Treat you like a person with rights?" They all look solemn as they think over Caius' words, no doubt remembering me in some way or another.

"No, I thought they were all spoiled ingrates who believed everyone was placed in the universe to serve their whims and desires." Raywin was cruel with his words, but they were true, most Entitled were indeed like that, which is what kind of made me appreciate that I never grew up surrounded by people like that, because I imagine that I would have become similar to them in behaviour and that was not someone I wanted to be.

"Not all of them were bad." Tanza mutters though it sounds half hearted as if she didn't quite believe it herself.

"Some of them were worse, the worst beings out there, and they got to order us around because barcodes on our wrists declared us their property, allowing them to use us as they saw fit." Yanu's words are bitter, but after knowing even a small part of her past, I knew she was speaking the truth, she had suffered horribly under her previous owners, all of them had in their own way.

"But she never treated us like slaves, she offered us freedom, not just freedom, but money to use as we saw fit, to live as we saw fit." Kailen's words are quiet, but I know they mean something to the others as they nod in agreement.

"Which is exactly why we agreed to stay on as her guards, to serve an Entitled again, of our own free will. Because she was different, she was worthy of our loyalty, so I don't know about you guys, but if King Kalo offers me the chance to avenge our Queen, I am going to take it." Yanu opens her mouth to protest but Talon raises his hand and stops her from speaking. "It doesn't matter if she is truly dead or not, the fact of the matter is Aldrich tried to kill her, it doesn't matter whether he succeeded or not, the fact is he committed a crime against our Queen, and I will not allow him to go unpunished." Talon was their leader, I knew that, but it was really the first time I watched him inspire them, I knew they followed him because of some strange Spliced hierarchy I didn't understand, but this was the first time I had really seen them looking at him with respect.

The Clash Of Drakkon: Book Four Of The Drakkon SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now