Chapter Thirty-Three

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Talon Drako

Commander of the Queen's Guard

"We've been surveying this location for over a week now! There is nothing here! No ships have passed through, there are no planets! There is nothing!" Caius was impatient, though to be fair we all felt that impatience urging us to move faster, to find Alessandra quicker.

"Hold on, Caius. We've been surveying from a distance because we were hoping that something would show up on the scanners or it would be visible to the human eye like the crew on those other ships said the Nisha ships were. But now I feel like they were just taunting the ships, there is something here, I can feel it, we just have to find it." If this was where the cast was sent from, then there had to be something, I refused to believe that we had no idea where to find Alessandra, I refused to admit we had spent all this time on a false lead.

"Sir, King Kalo is requesting a video cast." I turn with a sigh to Raywin, nodding my approval, I wait for King Kalo's face to appear on the screen before me. "Greetings, King Kalo." I dip my head in respect, as was expected of me for greeting a royal.

"Have you found anything? The other royals should be arriving here soon, with their armadas, I would like to have some news to tell them." I give him a small shake of my head and he huffs in frustration. "I truly thought that maybe this location was something, they will not be pleased to find out nothing is there." I tilted my head and stared at him silently, he looks at me with intrigue, likely wondering what I had to say. "Speak, please." I hated having to obey formalities in a time like this, it wasted so much precious time, time that we could be using to find and rescue our Queen.

"We've been investigating the location from a distance, just to make sure we wouldn't trigger some sort of warning, but I believe something is here, something has to be here, because we have no other leads. So now that we've told you that it appears there is nothing from a distance, we will move closer, if you do not hear from us, know that we have found something, that there is something here." I had resisted from doing this till the last second, because while I wished we could burst in and rescue Queen Alessandra without any help, I knew that the chances of us surviving long enough to find her and rescue her were slim.

It was better if the other rulers knew where we were headed and that they needed to be wary, so that maybe they could send help to rescue Queen Alessandra, even if we were all dead. Giving my life to finding her, whether we rescued her or not, would be worth it, because I know that others would come and rescue her, and while I might not succeed, they very well might. Her survival was all that mattered, giving my life for my Queen was no hardship for me, my life was there to protect hers, and I had failed her too many times to not be willing to die in her place.

I knew that any one of us here were willing to die for her, even Caius, as much as it surprised me to know an Entitled who would willingly give their life for another, let alone one that was willing to listen to the orders of a Spliced. Queen Alessandra had changed things for all of us one way or another during her short rule, they were changes we dreamed of, but never truly believed would happen, she was a revolutionary, and we couldn't lose her now, not when her revolution had only just begun.

"Direct us towards the coordinates, Yanu." She directs the ships forward, all of looking around, waiting for something to appear once we got closer, the view out the front shuttle display flickered and then color exploded before us, three planets, six moons, and an entire armada, appearing out of no where.

"Oh wow, we're all dead." Tanza was just as shocked as the rest of us, but she also ran the weapons controls meaning she knew how many weapons were locked on us.

"They are hacking into our ship, I have no control anymore." Yanu voice was frustrated, which I understood, we came here to rescue Queen Alessandra, and now we would be joining her in capture, I glance down and notice the black screen of a cut off video cast, King Kalo likely had no idea what had happened to us, only that the video cast had been suddenly shut off.

A strange looking man appeared on the screen before us, obviously a Nisha, but not their king, he was the same man that had held that slave for our Queen in the video cast they uploaded to the casting stream. "Hello, I am Nasir Naseem, servant to King Cyrian of Nisha. We were wondering if you would give up or push forward past our shield. We've had you surrounded for days, and you didn't even know it. Now, what to do with you, you came here to rescue your Queen, but I am afraid she is our Queen now. The King will have to decide what to do with you, he does not like people trying to take his possessions." Without our direction the shuttle began to direct us towards one of the planets, we were now well and truly captured. Though at least King Kalo would indeed know that there is something at this location, even if we could tell him nothing else.

We dock on the planet and our shuttle door opens and admits a contingent full of Nisha guards, along with this Nasir person. "Welcome to Zanthene, we will take you to our King now, I advise against resisting us, we have no tolerance for impolite people." Because he expected captive prisoners to be polite, great these Nisha's were a type of crazy I had not seen before.

We reluctantly follow after him, knowing that we didn't really have any other choice, I hear screams and every muscle in my body stiffens as I recognize the voice it belongs to. "Where is she!" I scream and lunge at one of them, ready to take them on if it meant I could safe her from whatever torture she was going through.

I don't even get very far before they jab me with a stick that electrifies me and makes me drop to the ground seizing. The others are on the ground as well, all of them having recognized the pained screams of our Queen and attacked. "She is none of your business any longer, she is our king's wife, and he will do with her as he pleases. Currently she is being punished for displeasing our king and he actually likes her, what do you think he will do to the people who came here to take her away from him? It will be extremely enjoyable for me to watch you suffer, who knows after the Queen is presentable again, he might even let her dole out your punishments, she is quite cruel to those who offend the King, and very creative, it is always so interesting to see, if mostly messy at times." My heart hurt in my chest, to hear her screams and know I could do nothing to help her, to know that she would retreat so far into herself because of the torture and whatever else they were doing to her that she would take joy in torturing people.

But even then, I imagine whatever she did to them was better then what she experienced, because they actually got to die in the end, whereas she had to keep living and being the Nisha King's toy, tortured and healed just for his amusement. The guards drag us across the floor and into what I can only assume is the throne room, based on the chair the King was sitting in. "My, my, my, what do we have here?" His voice was sweet, almost pleasant to the ears, but I knew that hiding beneath the handsome face, was a monster, only a monster could cause so much pain to someone he liked for displeasing him.

"The Queen's previous guard, and one of her cousins. Come to rescue her from us, my King." I wanted to gouge out that man's eyes, he was saying those words specifically to anger the king.

"Rescue her from me? Why would she need rescuing? She is exactly where she belongs, directly by my side. You know I am rather impressed with people in these little empires they've built for themselves. They've lasted so much longer against us than others, even now they took care of my distraction so easily. Now they are on their way here, to rescue the Queen or kill us both, not quite sure which. After all, you have come to save your Queen but she isn't your Queen anymore, she is mine, and she cares nothing for any of you any longer, she only does what she thinks will please me." I scoff and spit at the King, from my kneeling position on the ground it didn't go far, but the disrespect was still there, a guard slashes me across the face with his claws but I still hold my ground.

"If she only does what pleases you, why is she getting punished now for displeasing you? I think more of my Queen is there than the Queen you want her to be." He glares down at me, looking outraged by my words, proving that they very well may be true.

"You think to take her from me? You think I will allow her to ever leave me? SHE IS MINE! MY BRIDE! You have no claim over her anymore! Silence them!" He was absolutely livid, so angry he actually stood up from his throne and looked like he might come down here to kill me, but then he apparently thought better of it, because he sat down and the anger faded from his face, a smug smirk taking its place, the guards placed a metal band over our mouth silencing us from saying another word. "You want to see whose Queen she is? Very well, Nasir, go fetch Queen Alessandra. Let's show these fools exactly who they've come to save." My heart sped up in my chest, anxious and eager to see my Queen again, no matter what state she may be in, she will always be my Queen.

The Clash Of Drakkon: Book Four Of The Drakkon SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now