Chapter 3: Get Some Help

638 13 4

Location: Yokohama, Japan

Date: 23 Aug 2022

0830 hours

Third person POV

??? and her friends go around Yokohama almost all day.

???: "Are you sure he's somewhere around this city?"

???2: "I'm pretty sure he's here. He told me once, he live in this city."

???3: "But this is big city. How we gonna find him?"

???2: "Maybe we can..."

Suddenly some thugs came in.

Thug 1: "Hey ladies, watcha up to?"

Thug 2: "If you girls aren't busy, how about spend some time with us?"

???3: "You better stay away from us, or..."

???3 try to summon her rigging, but she get prevented by ???

???: *whisper* "We better not expose our real identity."

Thug 3: "Ow shut up, you flat!" (look at ???2 with dirty thoughts)

???2: "Why are you staring at me?"

Thug 3: "Look, we have one with big badonkers here!"

Thug 3 try to grope her breast, but ???4 slap his hand.

???4: "Don't you dare!"

Thug 1: "You better not look for trouble with us."

Thug 2: "Yeah, because...AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!"


They both passed out. Suddenly the mysterious hooded man appears in front of them.

Thug 1: "What, who are you!?"

Kazuto POV

I'm on my way to Assassin cell in Osaka, delivering report to them about Templar movement in Azur Lane. But suddenly I hear a ruckus in an narrow alley. I go to take a look and I shocked.

Me: (in mind) Is that...

???4: "Don't you dare!"

Me: (in mind) I must help them.

I silently walk behind those thugs and attack one of them with my shock blade.

Thug 1: "You better not look for trouble with us."

Thug 2: "Yeah, because...AAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!"

Then I stab another thug.


Both thug passed out. The girls and thug look at me.

Thug 1: "What, who are you?"

I just silent.

Thug 1: "Whatever, you just doomed yourself. DIE!!"

Thug 1 pull out knife and try to stab me. But I just simply parrying, disarm his knife and stab him with shock blade.

Thug 1: "You bas...AAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!"

Thug 1 passed out too. Then I look at ??? and her friends.

Third Person POV

Hooded man?: *shock* "Are you?...."

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