Part 3: Syrup and a Watch

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A phone call came in for me through my secretary. The man had called me as soon as the flight from Canada arrived at Incheon. He asked about my whereabouts, saying he has something to show me, and Mr. Lee told him to come by my office and hung up.

From my knowledge, it was supposed to take more than an hour from Incheon to my office. However, the man took exactly 45 minutes to get here. He appeared without even unpacking his things, carrying a bunch of luggage in his hands. He handed me two things: the championship gold medal and the maple syrup he'd bought as a souvenir for me. I teased him, saying I could buy maple syrup in any department store in Korea. But he told me he had specially chosen an expensive syrup that doesn't get imported here. For a man as big as him, he sure seemed to have a surprisingly sensitive nature.

"But what should I do? I don't really like sweets that much," I said.


"No, it's okay. I may eat it someday if I have it around. Thank you." I responded.

"I should have asked you first... I am sorry, Ms. Kim."

"That's all right. I could enjoy a treat or two on occasion."

Although I didn't mean it, I tried to coax him a little as his usually aloof face seemed somehow...distraught? But honestly, the chance I would eat something sweet is close to none.

"I am surprised. You really came through, huh?" I asked, raising my left eyebrow.

"You told me to win, Ms. Kim."

"It couldn't have been easy."

"I can do things if I have to; that's why I train so desperately."

I quietly laughed to myself at his last statement. Usually, people like him show better learning effects when received the carrot. But I wasn't so sure since I hadn't done him any favors yet, at least not directly. I somehow felt there was no need to overexert myself just yet.

"Are you free this evening? I would like to buy you dinner."

"Yes, ma'am."

"Then let's meet at 8."

"Yes, ma'am."

"Make sure you wear something nice."

He almost folded himself in half before he exited the office. The man was always so courteous at the end of each meeting. He seemed like a much better type to deal with than the dreadful people with screwed-up personalities I met so often.


"Do you drink?"

"Just enough to fit in with the crowd."

"Then a glass of wine would do."

Our wine-filled glasses made a rather cheerful sound as they clinked together. I had reserved a private room at my favorite restaurant as soon as I heard they were available. However, he didn't seem very fond of Western cuisine. He mercilessly sliced his steak into small pieces but barely touched it. Maybe I should have asked him first. No one's ever shown such a lukewarm response to my hospitality; I was feeling a bit embarrassed.

"You don't seem to like this type of food."

", I'm quite enjoying it."

"But you have barely touched your food."

"I'm okay, ma'am."

"Mr. Son, I mean, Shownu"

"Yes, Ms. Kim."

"I am not as mean as you think."


"I'm not going to bite you; loosen up a little."

We didn't have much conversation in between the time the empty glasses were refilled and became empty again. When I asked the man whether he had decided what he wanted as a reward, he kept firmly declining. But when I said I wanted to express my gratitude for his hard work and wished he wouldn't refuse, he finally gave in. Then, by chance, I noticed that his wrist was looking a bit empty. Feeling I had found something good just in time, I pointed my chin towards his wrist and spoke.

"Do you usually not wear anything on your wrist?"

"Yes. I just exercise all day, so..."

"Why don't I buy you a nice watch then? I'll send you a catalog through Mr. Lee, so take your pick. No strings attached, of course."

He slurred at the end of his sentence even when I had spoken to him with such a big smile on my face. "You really don't have to do this..." I have never seen such an unworldly man before. Or is it just that every man around me is horribly greedy and pathetic? When I responded with a silent smile, he said he would gratefully accept my gift. Although he was a bit hesitant to speak up, when he did his voice was loud and clear enough to be heard through all the noise in the room.  

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2021 ⏰

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