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He keeps fucking staring at me.

I'm just trying to get a complicated turn sequence down and he just keeps staring. I don't think he's looked away once. It's like he's trying to see if I'll tell anyone about us. The only person who knows we actually slept together is Daisy and she's not going to say anything.

"Alright dancers! You've got about 30 more minutes before we split you into groups of 3 to show the band and myself your improv. I'm seeing some amazing things happening, keep it up!" James yells out over the music.

30 minutes?? I don't even have half of what I'm supposed to have. I might just wing it. I could totally do that, pull something out of my ass.

I take one last look at Harry, who is already looking at me, and continue my turns. I get so lost in my thoughts and in the dancing that I don't see or hear Daisy come up behind me to talk to me.

"Oh my shit! Don't ever sneak up on me like that again!" I nearly scream. She has an amused but concerned look on her face. "What?"

"You haven't stopped to think or breathe. Are you okay?" Now I'm just confused, "I'm fine? Just trying to figure something out. Did I miss anything?"

"Yeah, Mr. Hot Stuff over there completely drooling over you," she responds with a hint of annoyance in her tone. "Oh, I didn't miss that. I'm ignoring him. We only have a few minutes left and I need to get this down, I promise I'm okay." I quickly spoke, I really did need to get this part down.

It feels like 2 seconds go by when James cuts the music to tell us to find a group of 3. Obviously, Daisy, Maya, and I immediately find each other. "Okay for this next part, I don't want groups watching each other. So before and after it is your turn, please wait in the locker room. Do we have any volunteers that would like to go first?" Daisy raises her god damn hand causing my head to whip towards her.

"Wonderful! If you are not in this group, please make your way to the locker room and it is your responsibility to choose who goes next," James says but I can barely listen. I thought I would have time to mentally prepare for this. I'm gonna kill her.

I am going to kill her. Maybe not now, maybe not today, but it will happen.

"I'm sorry but we can't have you freaking out before we go. Rip off the bandaid, P," Dais speaks quietly. This earns a death glare from me. I take in a deep breath, hold it for a moment, then let it out, trying to let out all my anxiety.

Before I can think any more about it, James is in front of us. "Hi ladies. Here's some name tags and a marker. It's just so we can identify you easier. Do you need to warm up at all?" He hands me a sheet of labels and a sharpie. I squat down to write my name on one of the stickers, putting a little heart at the end. "I think we're all good," Maya responds, looking at Daisy and I for confirmation, earning a nod from both of us.

I pass the name tags and sharpie to Dais, sticking my own onto my shorts. I've never understood how people can put them on their shirts, it just gets in the way. Is that weird? I don't think it is.

Maya hands the left over labels and the sharpie back to James who waits patiently. "Ok so you'll just stand in the middle kind of staggered so you don't hit each other, I don't care where you start or end, I just want to see you clearly." We let out a trio of 'okay's'.

With shaky legs, I take my place in the back center of the room, knowing I'll travel forward a lot. I do my best to not look at Harry, but I can feel his eyes boring into the side of my face. Closing my eyes, picturing the stars and fireflies helps to calm me down and get me mentally ready to give everything I have into the next 30 seconds. "Alright ladies, your music is on."

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