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Hello the lovely people of the Wattpad community, and more or less, the community of the MCYT Fandom! Firstly, I would like to thank you for choosing to read "TONGUE TIED | DREAMNOTFOUND" from my collection of books I have made. My name is Sunneva or Sunny, and I'm nonbinary so please respect that. Now, before you read, I should advise you of specific things.

This book is labelled as "MATURE" rating due to the fact there are many things mentioned in this book that are primarily towards more mature people. Some of the many things you may see in this book are the following: drugs, alcohol, nsfw scenes/moments, sexual assault, harassment, descripts of abuse/violence, and homophobia in certain cases. Though, do not worry! These warnings will be posted at the start of the chapter so you can know which particular parts to skip if you're not interested in reading these parts. There will only be small gaps in the plot if you choose to avoid these things, but I am positive in your capability of filling the gaps!

So, without a further a-do, I am now introducing you to TONGUE TIED, a dreamnotfound book about a particular boy who can only afford a guitar, and a rich boy, who can only dream of such an excitement in his life.

Enjoy your safe and healthy reading!

tongue tied | dreamnotfoundWhere stories live. Discover now