Hi There!

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Hello everyone! Yup, a new roleplay book for your entertainment!

Promare is a movie I've recently seen and immediately fell in love with. The beautiful art work, the bright and visually pleasing colors and not to mention the amazing storyline and characters!

So, after a small discussion and some thinking... I've decided to finally make an rp book dedicated to it! Im aware not everyone has seen this movie, so feel free to slip over this book... Though, for those who have seen this amazing movie, welcome!

Like in the book description, this book will be used for ships, ocs and much more! Now, for ships, I feel I must say this...
Not everyone is going to have the same ships, and we need to respect that! If I see anyone disrespecting a ship or anyone making fun of ocs, I will not hesitate to delete comments!

Now... With that out of the way... I hope you all enjoy this book! Have fun and enjoy roleplaying! 

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