Chapter 23

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Once they made it to the entrance of the Castle the boys had helped their respective dates out of the carriage and made their way to the great hall where they had noticed the others lining up as well bit most guests inside the hall.

Headmistress Mcgonagall had been at the entrance of the hall to receive and welcome all guests of course and as soon as she saw the small group make their way to her she rushed over and gave them a hug.

Minerva: Oh, Mister Potter, how good it is to see you again after all these years.

Harry: Hello to you to headmistress. It is nice to see you as well.

Minerva: Oh, and Miss Chang, how nice it is to see you two come together and well dressed too very nice, Miss Cho.

Cho blushes: Thank y... you. It is nice seeing you again as well, mam.

Minevra: Oh nonsense, just call me Minnie. Everyone else does as well. Oh, Granger, you look stunning as well. (gives Hermione a hug) How have you lot been?

Hermione: Okay, we have all been pretty okay with our lives. we all keep in touch or find more ways to just meet up.

Cho: we would always make time to regroup and catch up. To keep in touch with one another.

Minerva: Oh, that is wonderful to hear after all this time. Oh, i almost forgot you two have to make a separate entrance once the hall is full of it, guests. It is tradition for you three to take upon entering together with your partners.

Harry: Wait like the Yule ball tradition. Where did the champions have to take the first dance?

Minevra: Yes, yes, exactly like before

Hermione: (whispers to Viktor) Hmm, so last i accompanied you as your date for the Yule ball, and now you accompany me as a partner for this ball.

Viktor: it seems so Her-my-oknee.

Minerva: Okay, get into postions. Oh dear, Mr Weasley has not arrived yet.

Hermione shruders at mention of her ex, and of course, this does not go unnoticed by Krum as he takes Hermione hand in his and gives it a reassuring squeeze to let her now he is with her. She looks up to him and smiles, and all he can do is get lost in her eyes. The same eyes he fell in love with when first layed eyes on her here in same hall they about to walk into is where he first met her. He was about to tell her about the memory of it all but was interrupted as the head mistress beckons them over to make way to enter the great hall.

Doors open

Hermione held her breath in as she walked in right after Harry and Cho. She looked around and couldn't help but relax when she layed eyes on all the familiar faces of her friends and those she considers even family to her. She was grateful that Ronald had not shown his face yet because her evening would have been ruined quite fast if he did. Right now, she just wants to enjoy the ball and get through it without any mishaps or chaos. As if Viktor could sense her stressing out he put his palm against hers and she had eased down at his touch knowing she had some one with her to make it through the night other than her friends made her feel a lot better.

The ball was at full, and conversations were going on from all sides, not the Great Hall. Hermione, of course, had been pulled around the room by Harry and Cho to talk to most houses, and well Viktor kept his eyes on her as he stood Gavin . The two seemed to want to avoid conversation with many as the ladies of the ball were a fit to flirty with them. Draco, on the other hand, was standing in the corner watching one Astoria Greengrass converse with many and dance of with others. Parkinson seeing this, decided to steal Hermione away for her little plan.

Hermione: So, are you having a good time with your date yet Parkinson?

Pansy: shh, look at Drakie

Hermione looks towards him. " I noticed too. He is always watching her from afar, and when she looks at him, he acts as if he is drinking from his glass. Those too are so in deep that they don't even notice the hints from one another.

Pansy: Hmm, so why don't we give them a little push, or should I saw shove in the right direction.

Hermione: Agree, let me go ask him to dance, and then when I switch partners on the dance floor, I will switch to Astoria. The two will have no choice but to dance or blush at each other.

Pansy: Not bad for Gryffindor

Hermione: hmp, so what about Gavin, huh?

Pansy: (sigh) we will talk later. Now go talk to your date, the one only Mr Viktor Krum. I still don't know how you two ended up going together for the Yule ball all those years ago.

Hermione: Changing the topic I see. Don't you know I have a good memory so I will ask again later.

Pansy: explains all the straight O's from our schooling years.

Hermione: Hey, there is no harm in getting good grades.

Pansy: In your case, not so much. You are too smart for your own good, and we will always remind you of that.

Hermione: I know Harry and Draco always make some new joke about it, and I always end up rolling up the daily prophet to hit them.

Pansy snorts at this and shoves Hermione over to the boys as she pulls Gavin over to the dance, seeing as he had been just almost asked by another girl. ( I guess she is kind of jealous. Not that Parkinson would ever admit it)

Hermione talks to Blaise first. " Blaise, go dance with Astoria, and when I give the signal, switch her into Draco arms. No question or pansy, and I will use you as a hexing practice board for the rest of the week." Blaise, listening quite well to the threat runs of to ask Astoria for a dance around the room. Hermione then goes over to Draco and pulls him to the dance floor. The two pairs were in their own conversations with their partners that Draco and Astoria had not even noticed the change until the were bumping into one another before they could back up from one another, other couples and pairs began to fill the dance floor. Leaving the two no option but to dance with one another, not that they really minded, of course. While this went on, Hermione had not noticed Ginny dancing with Viktor and her plan to pair the two. Just as it had happened to Astoria and Draco, of course, the same has happened to Hermione and Viktor, although they did not hesitate to embrace into dancing with one another.

All Viktor could do was stare at Hermione as she watched their feet movement on the floor and all the other couples dancing around them. When she finally picked up her head to look at him she realised that he was already looking at her and just as their eyes met they began to move their head heads closer to each other or should I say lips closer.

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2023 ⏰

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