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I watched her take the pills.

"Kitty, that's enough." I said grabbing the bottle and putting it away. "All you need is two."

"But Lindseyyy!" she whined trying to grab the pill bottle from around me. I put the bottle in a higher place. "Guys, help me out will ya?"

I looked at the other band members and saw them jamming out to Rammstein. I rolled my eyes at their silliness.

"Yo, Jimmy! Help family out and get Kitty to bed!" I yelled over the loud music. Of course he couldn't here me, thus he was too into the music and drunk. I huffed picking up the wildly insane Jennifer and began to take her to her room.

"I'm the doctor. I'm the paitent. Don't forget that, it's important." she began to sing sleepily. She yawned in my face. "If you love me like I love me everybody will be sorry."

I smiled as she sang the song more. Soon we were in her room.

"Ya-ya-ya know want I want? Woah-oh-oh." she sang more. I chuckled. She yawned again. I set her down in her bed and tucked her in pulling the covers up to her chin.

"Sleep well." I mumbled getting up.

"Lindseyyy." she whined. I looked back and saw she had her arms open. "Sleep with me."

Now this has gotten me confused. I know Jennifer is straight so she must've taken more than two pills. I raised my eyebrow.

"Huh?" I asked.

"Lay in bed with me." she whispered and hiccuped. I looked at her once more confused. "Pleeeeease?"

I sighed and walked back over to the bed and laid next to her keeping my distance.

"Mew~" she said in an high-pitched voice. I looked at her and see she's fast asleep. I began to sit up and go but she was holding my arm close to her. I smiled slightly. She's cute when she's asleep. I decided to lay there until morning. Then the door bursted open.

"Aye! What did you want Z-Dog!!" Steve practically yelled. My eyes widened and I covered my mouth in a 'hush' form.

"Shush!" I hissed darting my eyes to Jennifer. Steve nodded.

"Ah, she's asleep. Bet you she'll be asleep for the rest of the day tommorrow until dinner." he whispered. I smirked.

"Fine. I bet you two blunts and a beer she won't." I whispered back. He put up a 'peace' sign.

"Deal." he whispered and I put up the sign in return. He left closing the door softly. I looked over at Jennifer as she snuggled up against me.

"I hope you don't sleep all day tommorow otherwise I'll loose the bet." I mumbled feeling myself get weary.


Next day and Jennifer is still sleep. I got up slowly and pulled my arm from her hold carefully. I stretched and walked out of her room carefully making sure I don't make any noise. As I walked down the hallway I smelled bacon, sausage and turkey then I rushed downstairs to the kitchen where the glorious meats are being cooked. I drooled at the sight of the meat sitting on the table along with waffles, eggs and pancakes.

"Ah, sleeping beast is up." Steve chuckled handing me a plate and some silverware. "Go ahead make a plate."

I stretched and made my plate making sure I get all the meat as possible before adding pancakes and eggs.

"Lindseyyy." a voiced whined. We all looked up to see a half naked Jennifer with messed up hair. Steve leaned to me close to my ear.

"You slept with her??" he whispered in my ear. I shook my head vigorously.

Prescription (Mindless Self Indulgence{MSI} OneShot)Where stories live. Discover now