Chapter 2

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Warning: this is centered around child killers so there is some talk of that, celebrity cameo, a small scene where a female changes clothes but nothing too scandalous, and mild language.
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"So, Ms. Dolvondo, what do you think qualifies you for this job?"
I shifted in my seat nervously, making the metal folding chair creak softly. I was never good at responding to direct questions, but I had to try my best to get this job. Even though the pay wasn't good, it was better than some of the other options around those parts.
"Well, I am a hard worker, and I have my degree in robotics and engineering."
My interviewer looked at me, expecting me to go on, but I sat there in silence and found that the checkered floor was very interesting to look at. We sat there for a while, and it was so quiet you could hear a pin drop. We were sitting in a room, which I could only assume was a backroom, possibly being used for storage. I could hear the faint laughter of children coming from the other side of the door. That was the only downside to this job for me: the children. Children have never liked me, so I've never liked children, but I supposed I would have to push through that. The guy's unnerving stare seemed to pierce straight through me as I desperately tried to find things to distract me from his presence. Suddenly, he cleared his throat, causing me to jump.
"Your really quiet, huh. What experience do you have with performing?"
I smiled, trying to act more friendly. "I have no experience, but I'm a fast learner."
The man nodded, looking down at his papers to write something. It was then that I finally got a good look at him. His hair was a dark color, not quite brown but not black either, and was cut short, maybe only a few centimeters in length. His skin was light-colored, with a slight tan, but I could tell that he didn't go outside much. As he continued recording my response, my eyes swept over his uniform: black dress pants accompanied by a leather black belt, a light, icy blue shirt that was tucked into the pants, a shiny yellow badge was pinned onto the shirt, partnered with a golden name tag that simply read 'Scott'. A simple name for a simple man.
Finally, he looked back up at me with a grin, but this time it was warm and genuine. Even his greenish-blue eyes seemed to drip with a genial feeling.
"Well, Ms. Dolvondo, I think you got yourself a job!", Scott almost shouted, and it was apparent that he was more excited about this than I was. "You'll be working as the mechanic, but we might need you to perform some days. Don't worry about being inexperienced! I have an employee who would be more than happy to teach you the basics. He has been working here ever since the company started, so he's practically a professional!"
Scott rose out of his chair, and I took it as my cue to do the same. He extended his hand out to me, and I grabbed his and gave it a firm shake.
"Welcome to your new career at Freddy Fazbear's Pizza, Ms. Dolvondo! There should be a uniform in the closet in the women's bathroom, and here are your keys to unlock most of the doors inside of the restaurant. Today you'll be working backstage. Bonnie has been having some malfunctions, so we pulled him off the stage and it would be great if you would take a look at him and clean him up a little."
I felt giddy, like a child on Christmas morning. I just got a job that allows me to do something that I love the most, and that was a dream come true for me. Just the thought of fixing an animatronic had me nearly bouncing off the walls, but instead, I just had a big stupid grin on my face. "Thank you so, so much, Mr-... uhm..."
"Just call me Scott.", he said, still sporting that affable smile, and his eyes seemed to sparkle with youthful joy. "And don't forget to smile! Remember, you are the face of Freddy Fazbear's Pizzaria!"
I nodded with a smile, then continued, "Thank you very much, Mr. Scott. I shall not disappoint you!" After that, I took the keys and left the room, but my ears were immediately blasted out by the screams of at least thirty children as soon as I opened the door. I grimaced but somehow managed to plaster a fake smile onto my face. The little gremlins ran about my legs as if I wasn't even there, and I accidentally tripped over one of them, a little girl with blonde hair which was super curly for a girl her age. She immediately started crying so I kneeled next to her in an attempt to console her, but she wasn't having any of it. Eventually, she got up and ran off, while I got back onto my feet and made a run for the bathroom.
Once I arrived at my destination, I took a once over of myself in the cracked and foggy mirror: my yellow hair was held back with a purple scrunchie but a few strands hung down into my face, my face was pale and my pupils constricted to no surprise since children scare the hell out of me, but my cheeks were still rosy and pink as if nothing had happened. I took a few deep breaths in an attempt to calm myself. My first day on the job and I was already being scared to death! Hopefully, this wasn't a sign of something that was yet to come...
In the mirror, I tucked back the rebellious strands of hair into their rightful places, walked over to the closet, then took my keys and unlocked the door. A loud creak echoed throughout the bathroom, signifying that the door hadn't been opened for a long time. Perhaps I was the first female employee at this establishment? It was quite the possibility. I continued to ponder over the thought as I searched for a uniform that would fit me. Most of the uniforms were similar to Scott's: an icy blue shirt, black dress pants, belt, and black leather shoes. As I continued to search through the uniforms, my eyes were captured by a purple, button-down blouse that appeared to be my size. I drew it out of the closet and held it up in front of me, sizing it up to my body as I looked at my reflection in the mirror. Sure enough, the outcast shirt was the perfect fitting one. I nodded in satisfaction as I withdrew from the closet the accompanying skirt, which was black and buttoned down the front. I locked myself within an open stall and began changing, stripping off my black and white polka dot vest and yellow shirt and replacing it with the purple blouse, then removing my blue jeans and drawing on the black skirt, then I switched my shoes out with the dusty leather ones. I neatly folded the previously worn clothing and stepped out of the stall to place them in the closet, and after doing so I locked the closet back up and went on my way backstage.
Leaving the bathroom, my ears were once again met with the yelling, shouting, and squeals of excited children. To my disappointment, they weren't excited about me, but about the show that was about to start. While their eyes were glued to the stage, I made my way around the back of the restaurant and into the backstage room without a single brat even knowing I was there. Maybe this job wouldn't be as bad as I thought.
Entering the room, I was greeted by a musty, moldy scent that made me sneeze, which I promptly did so into my elbow. The room was ill-lit with dark grey colored wallpaper that was tattered and peeling in some areas, the floor was a black and white checkered tile that seemed to be throughout the entire restaurant. Shelves were screwed into the walls, adorned with various empty animatronic heads and endoskeleton parts, and a large table sat in the middle of the room with an enormous purple bunny sitting on top. It was deactivated, to my relief, but it still scared the shit out of me at first glance. It was a small room, and the rabbit almost took up the whole space!
"Alright, buddy, it's time for me to get you fixed up," I told the bunny, even though I knew he couldn't hear me. It was still nice to talk to something, even if it was inanimate. It's like animatronic therapy, I assumed. Recommended by one out of every five crazy people! I chuckled to myself at the thought. It would take a lot more for me to go quote-on-quote crazy, more than just talking to a robot! I shook my head with a smile on my face as I found a nearby tool belt and fastened it around my waist, then held my fingers on either side of the rabbit's head to open the faceplate. I depressed the buttons quickly, doing my best to hit them both at the same time. With incredible speed, the plates opened and the animatronic leaned forward and threatened to fall off the table, but I pushed my body against the 500-pound robot in an attempt to stabilize and keep it up there. Unfortunately, I was not a strong lady, so Bonnie was quick to overpower me, slowly crushing me under his weight as I tried my hardest to not let him fall. After all, these animatronics were not cheap, and I didn't want to die under the weight of the rabbit. Sweat flowed down my forehead and into my eyes, providing an unwanted stinging sensation and making them water while my legs began to shake under the immense weight.
Just as I thought all hope was lost, the backstage door flew open and in came a man set on rescuing me from the compressing weight of the oversized rodent. Rushing next to me, he helped me push Bonnie back onto the table and stabilized him so he would stay there. After the chaotic moment was resolved, we turned to face each other, and I felt my face heat up when I realized how close we were. I took a few steps back and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear, an attempt to compose myself. He chuckled at my response, making my heart skip a beat. His voice was like a deep rumble that echoed throughout the entire room. While it was rough and raspy, it was still comforting to me for some reason and made the smile on my face grow larger.
"What's your name, doll?" the man said, crossing his arms across his chest and fixing his gaze upon me. He had shaggy brown hair, parts of it were hanging down onto his forehead, his face was long and slender, and his eyes were a little sunken in as if he was sick or tired. He looked like a stick, but he was strong enough to lift the animatronic back onto the table, so his looks didn't exactly match up with his abilities. He wore a purple button-up shirt similar to mine, but instead of a skirt, he, thankfully, had on black dress pants. His feet were graced with leather shoes similar to mine but his were tied, while mine were slip-on. Upon his chest was a golden nametag, which read "William". It seemed to have a glint of red in the light, but I think my mind was just imagining things. He cleared his throat, nearly making me jump but successfully drawing me away from my thoughts and back to the present. I looked back into his chestnut brown eyes, but couldn't help but notice the cocky smirk on his face.
"I am very sorry, sir. My name is Viola, and it's my first day on the job." I managed to reply, my voice soft and barely audible. I coughed into my elbow awkwardly before continuing, "It's nice to meet you..."
"William, but you can call me Will." He responded with a grin so large I could see his gums. While it was deeply disturbing, I found it quite charming. William leaned forward, extending his hand out, which I gladly accepted. My hand was engulfed inside of his and I could feel several callouses, a sign that he was a hard worker. After a few shakes, he retracted his hand, leaving mine cold and empty. It almost made me sad, and I mentally scolded myself for feeling that way for a man I just met. His eyes were still locked on me as if he was trying to take in every detail.
"Well!," I exclaimed, breaking the uncomfortable silence, "I should probably start working on Bonnie now. It was nice meeting you, Will."
William continued to smile, but I noticed the smallest tug on the corners of his mouth indicating that he was saddened by something, but I didn't know what. "I'll see you around, Viola." Turning, he picked up a microphone pick off of the microphone stand and flipped it upside down, pushing a button to turn on the device. He opened the door that led to the stage, then took a deep breath and straightened his posture.
"Boys and girls, put your hands together for the one, the only, Freddy Fazbear!"
After the introduction, William turned off the microphone and placed it back onto the stand, then turned to face me with almost a grimace on his face. The childrens' shrieks and cheers split our ears, causing me to make a disgusted face of my own. Will's deep voice was barely decipherable but throughout the disorder, I managed to interpret what he said.
"There is no reason for these kids to be so god-damn happy while mine had to suffer."

Choices (A Five Nights at Freddy's Alternate Universe)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu