Chapter 3

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Warnings: this is centered around child killers so there is some talk of that, description of a decaying corpse, premarital hand-holding, kissy-kissy, yelling and fighting, manipulation, language,  murder is not okay!!!
    Rain began pouring down from the sky, drenching me in the freezing liquid. I sat on the cold asphalt outside of the pizzeria, feeling the numbing rain soak through my clothes and causing me to shiver. I could hear my teeth chatter so loud that it echoed throughout the alley. I held my knees as close to my body as I could, trying to conserve as much heat as I could until the restaurant opened up. My eyes felt heavy, drooping lazily over my irises, and then my pupils, before shutting completely.
    I woke up with a jolt, my eyes adjusting to the sudden darkness. My nose was overwhelmed with the scent of mold and dirt, while particles of dust floated carefree throughout the air. Few lights were on, but the lights that were working had thick coatings of grime, causing them to produce a yellowish-green light. I turned my head to get a better view of the place, and I noticed that it looked like the location was burnt, or had just been abandoned for a long time, but my mind couldn't decide between what could've happened. The mysterious location bore a striking resemblance to Freddy Fazbear's Pizzaria, minus the dark stains on the floor and terrible condition of the location in general.
    Suddenly, I heard the loud thud of something close by, followed by another: footsteps, and by the sound of them, they were getting closer. Klink after clank, I could hear the strides as they approached me from behind. I tried to get up and run, but some otherworldly force was holding me down to the ground and making it to where I could not move a muscle, but just stand as fear devoured my thoughts. I swore under my breath as the mysterious being drew nearer to my trembling figure. With two massive, shaking steps, I could feel the creature behind me, its rotten breath coursing down my spine. Its colossal hands gripped my shoulders tightly and spun me around so I could face it, and the sight of it was burned into my mind.
    The monster was a foot taller than I was and its eyes shone a bright silver, standing out of the dark abyss. It appeared to be an animatronic of some kind, vaguely resembling Bonnie but still shaped differently: its ears poked out from its decayed head but one of the ears was torn in half, the jaw hung low and I could discreetly see a human mouth hidden inside, taking a closer look at its eyes I noticed veins and blood that dripped from the eye sockets, its teeth were rotten and covered in what appeared to be chunks of flesh. My pulse quickened as my eyes continued to consume every horrifying detail of this creature while I was stuck in its grasp.
    "Get me out of here, Viola!" The creature roared, shaking me like a ragdoll. The blood in its eye sockets seemed to flow freely as if it was crying, and it continued screaming at me. Its voice was rough and scratchy, with a slight echo to it, but immediately I recognized who the voice belonged to.
    "Viola! Get me out of this, help me! Viola!" The creature continued to bellow, but instead of continuing to shake me, he pulled me into an embrace and began sobbing. I cautiously wrapped my arms around his torso, trying not to recoil when my fingers came into contact with something squishy. I grimaced but tried not to think about what it might've been as I inhaled the scent of his decaying flesh. Eventually, William stopped crying and calmed down, holding me in silence as around us the building creaked.
    "Viola?" William asked softly unwrapping his arms from around me and holding me back so I could face him, but instead of still being inside of the dark building, my eyes were blinded by the sun. I blinked a few times before making sure of where I was.
    I was back outside of Freddy Fazbear's Pizzaria, and there was no sign of the smelly rabbit version of William anywhere, but the William I had come to know and love over the past couple of weeks was kneeling in front of me, with his hand placed onto of my left knee.
    "Thank god, I thought you were dead!" William exclaimed, releasing a breath of air before caressing the side of my face with his right hand. Looking into his brown eyes, I could see how relieved he was knowing that I wasn't dead but, in fact, in a deep sleep. "Did you sleep out here last night?"
    My mind was still spinning with what I saw in the dream: Was this a vision of something that was yet to come? Was William's life in danger? What could I possibly do to prevent this disaster? What happened for William to end up decaying inside of an animatronic? How would I get him out of the suit?
    The sound of William's smooth, deep voice and British accent brought me back to reality. What I saw was just a dream: nothing more, nothing less. With a comforting smile, I brought my left hand up to meet with William's hand and leaned my head into his palm.
    "My landlord kicked me out of my apartment last night, so I just slept out here. I didn't intend on it to rain, though!"
    He chuckled softly, "Well, next time, just open the door."
    My expression became straight, and I looked into his eyes with annoyance. "What."
    By now he was grinning, taking my hand that was over his and pulling gently to help me up. After hearing the snapping and crackling of my joints after being in that hunched position all night and making sure I had stretched enough, William led me over to the back door of the Pizzaria. In one easy movement that involved the turning of the doorknob, he bowed and gestured to the open door like he just summoned a portal to another world.
    "After you, love."
    I stared at the door in shock and slight amusement, "I am an idiot."
    At my comment, William immediately resumed his upright posture with a serious expression on his face. "Your not an idiot, you were just not informed."
    "It's pretty much the same thing, Will, but thank you anyway," I replied before walking inside the restaurant with him, but not before grabbing his hand and intertwining our fingers.
    Upon entering, I felt a twisted feeling of guilt, but for what I couldn't figure out. Inside, the restaurant was completely void of any living thing, besides the occasional rat scampering to find a disclosed hiding place. The friendly animatronic faces on the stage were nullified of life, their eyes were colorless and facing toward the floor along with their heads. William helped me fix Bonnie, who was now reunited with his friends on the stage. It gave me a sense of joy to see such a beloved childhood idol renovated back to proper working order.
    William followed my gaze to Bonnie with a smirk on his face, "We did a good job, didn't we?"
    I laughed in his face playfully, "I could've fixed him without your help, hon!"
    "Oh, really now?"
    I replied with a stern nod, but I couldn't hide the grin that was forming on my face. "But, I will admit, we do make a great team, you and I." Then I hoisted myself onto the show stage, beginning my inspection of the animatronics before the restaurant opened. I walked over to Chica and began checking the fluidity of her joint movement when suddenly her eyes began to flicker and she jolted to life, singing what used to be one of my favorite songs.
    "Put your head on my shoulder, hold me in your arms, baby. Squeeze me oh so tight, show me that you love me too. Put your lips next to mine, dear. Won't you kiss me once, baby? Just a kiss goodnight, maybe, you and I will fall in love."
    Then she froze, twitching violently with her purple eyes staring directly into mine. The twisted feeling in my gut grew as all that came out of her voice box was a strangled and gurgled noise that I knew for a fact she was not programmed to say.
    "Let me out."
    I turned with wide eyes toward William, and just by looking in his eyes, I saw that he knew what was going on. Anger welled up inside of me as I lept off the stage and marched toward him.
    "What did you do?" I shouted into his face, pressing my pointer finger into his chest.
    "It's nothing that you wouldn't approve of, darling."
    "Oh yeah? Then explain to me in full detail what's going on with Chica!"
    All William could do was smile, and I knew right at that moment that something wasn't right. I noticed the crazed look in his eyes as he approached the show stage, swinging himself onto the stage like he had done so many times before.
    "I am only telling you the truth Viola because I don't want there to be any secrets between us." and with one movement he disengaged the latch holding Chica's torso together and unveiled to me a new world of horror on an entirely new level.
    Inside Chica's chest cavity was the child I tripped over a week ago, but now her blonde curls were blood-stained, her eyes were wide open yet glazed over and staring straight at me. I felt the bile rise in my throat as I stumbled backward until my hips ran into the table behind me. I sat myself on the table, but never once did my eyes look away from the innocent child. My mouth was forming words, but nothing could come out of my throat. Eventually, my eyes darted over to look at William, who was standing next to Chica with the most devilish grin on his face, which only made me angrier. Finally, I regained my composure, along with my voice, and stood my ground. As much as children scared me, I knew that this wasn't ok.
    "What in your right mind would let you think this was okay, William? What did this child do to you, huh? Nothing-"
    "Let me stop you there, sweetheart." William interrupted me, venom dripping from his voice until the pronunciation of the last word, which was shockingly said fondly. "You don't know the hell I've been through. This franchise," He chuckled darkly before continuing, "This franchise took my family away from me. My wife, my son, and my daughter were all killed after I raised this hell-hole to its feet."
    At this point he was off of the stage and closing the space between him and me with long, slow strides, "My little girl was the first to go, killed by one of my own creations in the old Sister Location. My wife was so distraught by the accident that she hung herself in the bathroom not long after getting the news. And my youngest son was murdered by my eldest son, I'm sure you've heard that story; it was all over the news. Now, you tell me: did that annoying little girl deserve to be happy, while all my children were killed by my flaws? No! All of these god-forsaken kids should know what my own family had to go through! They should know what it feels like to be torn apart and put back together again."
    William's face was just inches away from mine, causing my face to redden considerably despite the sickening feeling in my stomach. His voice went from booming anger back to a calm, loving tone. "All I want now is for you to help me. Help me avenge my family, Viola, your all I have left. You are the love of my life. Say that you'll help me, please."
    I looked into his deep, dark, brown eyes and my mind screamed at me to run and get as far away from William as possible, but my heart seemed to soften at his story. I trusted this man with my life and now he was frightening me, but for some reason, I felt pity for him. I knew the correct decision was to report the incident to the police and have Will arrested, but that's not what my heart wanted. It felt as though I was being torn in half, trying to decide whether or not to help him. I was reminded of my dream from earlier. Would William go down that path if I didn't join him? Would he be suffering for something he did for the rest of his life? Was that something I wanted the man I cared for so dearly to go through? After a few seconds of pondering, I made my decision.
    With a sudden bout of courage, I grabbed his tie in my fist and pulled him down, pressing my lips against his harshly. He made a muffled noise of surprise before returning the kiss with as much force that I had given. After a few seconds, we pulled apart from each other.
    "I take that as a yes?" he purred with the dumbest smirk on his face.
    "I love you too much to let you go through this alone." I sighed heavily, then looked past him at the girl inside of Chica. I sensed a change in me at that moment; no longer was I disgusted at the sight of the child, but I did feel remorse for the child's parents. "We should probably put Chica's torso back before someone walks in," I suggested, letting go of his tie and making my way toward the stage.
    "Could we do that kiss again?"
    I turned around to look back into Will's eyes, his smile was infectious and caused me to grin as well. I was amused by his suggestion, and I giggled slightly at his facial expression which resembled a pout. "No."

Choices (A Five Nights at Freddy's Alternate Universe)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें