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       That night we met at Bonsoir restaurant. Adelise Vasseur looked perfect,she was on a red dress,her blonde hair was perfect, I knew that I was with the girl of my life,of my dreams.We enter to the restaurant ,she order most of the food because she only speaked French.We didn't knew what to say to each other because of the language.The only word that I said was:


She responded yes:


   In eyes of others it didn't ment much, but to me it meant everything.We just responded yes back and forth.We asked for a red wine,we had and amazing time,indeed it was one of my best days in life but certanly it was the most interesting night of my life.A drop of wine got to my shirt.I later tooked that shirt and I store it in one of my drawers ,and never clean it,so every time i saw that shirt I reminded that day.When we left I took her home ,and we stared for a few in front of her door,and kiss and kiss and kiss,she looked at me and said:


I said:


She enter to her home.I felt secure and happy ,something that I never felt before.

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