Chapter one

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"Bev" My best friends voice says frantically over the phone. "I have a code red situation"

I sit up immediately, the book I was reading falling off my chest and unto the bed. Morgan and I have been friends for a long time, and this is the third time Morgan has called in a code red.

"Details, now." I demand,my mind working overtime, what has Morgan done?

"Okay,so I left my house around 4:30pm today, I told my mom I was heading to your place,which is a lie, and mom just called that shes driving over to yours to give me my medicine which I "forgot" I need your help Bev, I'm too far away to reach there before her."  She rambles her voice shaking slightly.

I sigh, Morgan's mother hated lies, after men in leotards it was probably the next thing she hated most,if she found at Morgan lied, they'll be hell to pay.

"Where are you anyway?" I ask, Morgan wasn't social,she didn't really have friends, honestly speaking, I'm her only friend.

She had a rough childhood, her dad died of cancer when she was 10,he was the only one who really got her in her family, her mother and her never really got along, her mother adored he older brother, Damien. Everybody adored Damien Turner and Morgan has always felt second to him, their relationship is awful.

"Uhmm, I can't tell you right now,but I swear the minute I see you its the first thing I'll tell you" She promises.

"Fine" I agree, "I've gotta start preparing"

Situations like these are kind of normal, days when Morgan doesn't want to hear her mom speak and shes at mine,we make use of this plan, it really isn't a code red situation except for the fact that if we get caught, Morgan's gonna get it.

"I owe you one,thanks!" She hangs up.

Times like these are when having 11 other siblings help, yep I have 11 siblings.

I have two step mothers, both of which are married to my dad, my mom is also married to my dad. We're one big happy polygamous family.

My dad married my Mom first, three years later and no kids, they didn't really care and mom was open to the idea of another wife.

In came Kristie, All American, blonde hair,blue eyed beauty. She had three kids in three years, exhausting I know.

Cameron(he's 20), Jackie(19), Brandon(18 in a few days).

Then Dad married Joana, half Korean half Haitan, she had twin boys the same year mom had me.
Jay and Jerome (they're 17,although we were born the same year I was born three months after them, so I'm 16 now)

Then Kristie and Joana got pregnant together and and had girls. Mabel born to Kristie (she's 15) and Seo Hwa born to Joana(15).

Fast forward a few years, Joana had Erickson(10) and Kristie had Paloma and Paul(8).

More fast forwarding, Joana has Yeon Her(5), and finally two years ago my mom had twin boys aka twin devils, Jeremy and Camden(1 and half).

You would think taking care of so many people made us poor, surprisingly it didn't, my dad family have been hoteliers for ages now. We have hotels nearly every where into the world. Yes,including Antarctica.

I look nothing like Morgan seeing as I have chocolate colored skin and Morgan is pale, the chocolate skin is the fact that my mother is Nigerian.

Amongst my sisters Mabel looks the most like Morgan and so I seek her out in my time of need, seeing as it's night time she is most likely in the room she shares with Seo Hwa.

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