Chapter Three

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Dressing for school usually isn't a big deal for me, my wardrobe for school consisted mainly of hoodies,shorts,denim jeans and nice tops.

But if I wanted to catch the attention of Damien Turner I had to look good, I had to wear something that wasn't in my closet, a dress.

"Bev! Get your skinny behind down here now!" Brandon my brother yelled, Brandon usually drives the teenagers to school seeing as he is a senior himself, Kristie usually takes the younger ones.

Normally I wouldn't comb my hair, its long enough to throw into a messy bun or a very short pony tail, but today is different. I had a boy to impress.

So, I combed my mass of curls and it framed my face like an halo, nice.

I took the lip gloss I stole from Mabel and applied it, I also made use of Mascara, also from Mabel's makeup kit.

Now all I needed was a dress, I strut to Jackie's room, Jackie is my older sister, she's currently in Vietnam, she took two years to see the world before going to college. Kristie, Jackie's mom was totally against the idea but Jackie did it anyway.

Jackie is way shorter than me, I'm a tall girl and Jackie is petite. So it doesn't surprise me when all the dresses I try on are above my knee.


Gotta make do with what I have I guess.

I settle for a light purple dress, with spaghetti hands and a little flair from the waist down, it hugs my breast and spews out a little cleavage, a modest type of cleavage.

I pair it with a black leather Jacket I stole from my brother Cam, whose away at college( Harvard), black boots with a bit of a high heel, and little silver earrings.


"I swear Beverly, if I come up there to get you I'll rip your head off your body" Brandon yells.

I roll my eyes,so much violence.

I grab my bag pack and make my way downstairs.

Look out Damien, Beverley is on a mission.


"You look different" Darius, my chemistry lab partner says, giving me a look.

I chuckle, blushing, thank the Lord I am not white if not I'll look like I'm imitating a tomato. I've had a crush on Darius since sophomore year, now as we start junior year my crush hasn't lessesnd.

I know what you're thinking, wear big girl pants and tell Darius about your crush on him.

I would have..but he has a girlfriend,and I'm not even upset..okay mayb a teeny bit upset.

Emily is the sweetest person I have ever met,she's such an... Emily, blue eyed, blonde hair, petite sweetheart.

She also happens to be a senior, meaning she's in Damien's class.

"I was going for a new look,you likey?" I ask him internally praying he likes it.

He gives me a look before shrugging his shoulders and going back to drawing what didn't look human in his sketch book.

Well that took me down several notches.

The classroom door opens and I prepare myself for the teacher to come in but a student comes in instead.

"Mr.Lively fell sick, the school is currently trying to get a substitute but  until then, free period!" Sh yells flaying her hands in the hair and throwing her head back dramatically.

Cheers erupts in the class and it's suddenly very noisy.

I turn to Darius who is still 'drawing' I clear my throat to get his attention.

He turns to look at me, raising a perfect eyebrow,show off.

"Let's do something fun,it is free period after all" I say trying to sound casual.

Darius seems to think for a seconds before his eyes light up.

"Let's go over to the field,the seniors have free period and Emily is going to be there"

My shoulders sag in disappointment before I remember Damien's going to be there, and my mood makes a U turn.

"Uhh,yeah, sure" I pick up bag pack and start heading out.


Darius and Emily were currently sucking face close to me and I was looking at Damien who was under trees with his jock friends.

  I was currently thinking of ways to get Damien to notice me what better way to make a boy notice me but by walking past  him,and i looked hot, if i do say so myself.

I quickly tell Emily and Darius that I'll be back in a minute and then Istart walking towards the tree that Damien and his friends were under.

I  walk past them and still no one notices me I go to the middle of the field pretend to pick something up and begin walking back,slowly this time hoping to get noticed.

Come on,come on, one of you notice me please!

And just when I was about to pass the tree....

" Hey Beverly you look good today "  Christian one of the biggest Jocks on the team and Damiens  friend says teasingly.

I smile politely at him and turn my attention to Damien who isn't looking at me.

"Hey Damien" I say sweetly.

He actually looks kind of shocked I talked to him..jeez

"Uhh..Hi..Bev" He says sounding uneasy.

"My brother has soccer practice and Morgan has last period free so she's going home a little earlier..can you give me a ride to yours?"

He looks taken aback.

"Uh well..uh" he scratches the back of his head.

Time to bring out the big guns.

"Please" cue puppy dog eyes.

"Uhh...sure.. fine..just bring down the annoying,k?" He says. annoying? Pfft!

As if.

I plaster a fake smile on my face and nod before walking away.

Mission accomplished..sort of.

A/N: hey! This chapter was originally longer buuuut I decided to just add the remaining part to the next chapter so I could upload early.. to those of you waiting for my next upload on my life as a Parker kid, I'm sorry but Wattpad isn't letting me upload on there ,it's been having this issue for like two months now, I keep hoping it gets resolved and when it does I'm coming with the next chapter..


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2022 ⏰

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