Chapter Two

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I stare impatiently at Morgan,We were currently at my house and I was waiting for her to tell me where she had been the previous day.

I didn't have time for this, I have drama club meeting in an hour and I haven't gotten ready yet.

"Well, I haven't all day you know" I say, sounding as irritated as I felt. Morgan is usually outspoken and not afraid to speak. Where the hell had she been?

"I was with Devon" She says swiftly, and sighing in relief right after.

I gasp in shock, Devon Baxter was Damien's best friend, he was also self proclaimed bad boy of our school, Morgan has always been vocal about how much she hated him.

I open my mouth to speak,but she hold up her hands,stopping me.

"We did it as Sharon's party two weeks ago" another gasp from me. "We've been hanging out since then,I really like him Bev, and he likes me too, the only problem is.."

"Damien" I complete her sentence. She nods.

When Damien and Morgan were 11 and 10 respectively, They made each other promise not to steal or like each others best friend or have anything to do with each others best friends romantically and sexually,the sexually part was added when Damien was 15, they made a contract and everything. They also made Devon and I Sign that we wouldn't fall for our best friends sibling.

They took the contract very seriously till date, Damien more than Morgan, he would freak if he found out they slept together, he was crazy like that.

"I've thought about telling him,but even Devon doesn't think it's a good idea, Damien will make mom ban Devon from the house,that I'm sure of, and I don't want Devon to lose his best friend, I don't know what to do" She's on the verge of tears at this point.

I bring her in for a hug,she sobs on me.

Morgan can be very tough but she's also an emotional wreck.

"I thought of a plan though, Devon doesn't know if It'll work,I'm positive  it will though" She says.

"What's the plan?" I ask.

"Make Damien  want  to go against the contract, you know how Damien is,If he wants something he'll bend everything and everyone until he gets it" She explains.

I knit my eyebrows in confusion, what's that supposed to mean? I get what she's saying but how?

"How?" I question, Morgan is smart and I know she has this all thought out and just wants to tell me.

I really want to help her, I mean I'm a little bummed she didn't tell me about her and Devon earlier, but everyone is entitled to keeping secrets.

She smiles sheepishly at me, immediately looking away and suddenly finding my blue and white pillow case interesting. Morgan fails to make eye contact when she's nervous.

What is she nervous about?

Is the plan bad? Illegal?

Wait..make Damien want to go against the contract... Does that mean?

"You want me to date your brother?" I squeal, the mere idea of being with Damien Turner makes my blood run cold.

Her eyes widen, "Gosh no! Like I would share the most important person in my life with that conceited pig"

What'd I tell you? They don't get along.

"I just want you to make Damien want to have sex with you" She shoots me her puppy dog eyes.

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