Coming along

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Disclaimer: I do not own Grey's anatomy.


This is basically a time jump chapter somewhat.

A couple of months after, Miranda had Tuck and the small family went to go live with the Webber's they have been making progress. Ben started his process of applying to med school to become an anesthesiologists while Miranda was still studying for her GED while going to the hospital to shadow under another surgeon who Dr.Webber had taught before to learn more about what surgeons do. She always kept a notebook with her when she went to write down all her medical notes and the advice that the surgeon gave her. When she went to her new home she would go over the notes studying them as well as spending time in their library and going to the public library as well.

By the time it came for Miranda to take her GED she passed as everyone knew she would with outstanding scores that were higher than Ben's even though the whole time she was taking it she felt as if she was still somehow behind. But all that fear passed when she looked at the results. It wasn't long before Miranda found her way into one of the top college's for her undergraduate years. She didn't know why but Miranda wanted to go to Wesley for her Bachelors degree something was just telling her to go and she did. It wasn't a problem to Adele or Richard about her wanting to go back home. But it was to Ben which led to a small argument. "Miranda are you going to go back so close to Maryland?" Ben asked, "No." Miranda said defensively.

"Ben my parents wouldn't drive an hour or two away just to come get me." She said, with her hands on her hips. "Especially not if they found out where we were all this time. They probably stopped caring by now." She said. "And if I do see them they can't force me to go back home nor can they guilt trip me like they used too." She told him as she sat on his lap in Tuck's nursery which is where they would meet so, they won't get too intimate in the Webber's house which was now their home for as long as they needed it to be. "Fine." Ben said giving up. "I wasn't trying to stop you from going I was just worried about your safety with our parents still being in Baltimore." Ben said as he held her close by her waist knowing that his parents would sometimes take day trips there just for fun.

"Benjamin, I'll be okay." She said smiling to him. "Alright. But I do what you to write to me every week or every other week and call me." He said as she only had a week left. "And if you do see my parents duck when you see them." He said laughing at his own joke. "Ben I am not ducking." She said smiling at him. When Miranda finally went off to college she couldn't believe that she was back home in Maryland. While she was there the Webber's loaned her one of their old cars that they always had and kept in good shape.

When she was there for a year or two in she would go back to Seattle for breaks to spend time with her family as she saw that Ben was coming along in his residency program and he immediately started saving when that first check hit his bank account. A bank account that Richard helped him open while, Adele helped, Miranda to open her own since her parents really wouldn't allow it when she was living with them.

But during one of the weekends when Miranda was in college she wanted to just go back to her old neighborhood just for the sake of going back. She had been wondering all these years since she left and she thought it was time for a visit. Though she was still afraid to go if her parents were still in the same apartment complex. When Miranda took that short trip she arrived to what she used to call her home staying in her car as she pulled up to the nearest parking lot in the Lexus that the Webber's loaned her winding down her windows and turning off her car just to stare at her old bedroom window as she remembered the night that her and Ben left flashes raced through her mind.

And suddenly, she was brought back to the present as the lights turned on in her bedroom. She quietly got out of the car going up to the fire escape which was still there. She wondered if her parents were still there or if they had moved. There was only one way to find out and it was to peek into her old window. Upon going up the escape she took her time carefully climbing knowing that these escapes could be loud. When she finally made it she saw them. She saw her mother wondering about in her room with her same night robe on and she wondered what was Elena doing? She looked at her mother from the side of her window seeing that her mother had more grey hair than before and she didn't look too bad when aging.

She saw her father in the background in the living room sitting in his same chair. She thought to herself that her parents really hadn't changed anything since the day she left with Ben and she was so, sure that she thought they would. Before, Miranda could even leave the fire escape nearly, banged against the brick wall causing her to yelp as it almost scratched her alerting her mother. "Who's out there?!" Elena yelled, after hearing someone outside and Miranda quickly covered her mouth with both of her hands ducking away from the window as she was leaning on the left side trying not to be seen by her mother.

When her mother looked outside, Miranda swore her mother saw her but pretended not too. But she guess she didn't since the fire escape was blocking half of Miranda's face. When Elena finally left, Miranda quickly made her way down the steps and that's when Elena knew she heard somebody from before and she stuck her head outside the window yelling at the person who was running below her. "Hey, HEY!" Elena screamed at the stranger. "STAY AWAY FROM MY DAMN WINDOW!" Her mother yelled not knowing it was her own daughter who was yet again running away from her to keep from being seen by her.

"Elena, who was that?" William asked as she locked, Miranda's window and went back into the window. "I don't know someone from the neighborhood I guess always sitting outside that damn window." She said and William looked at her. "Now, William don't you give me that look that is not Miranda." She said looking at her husband as if she was crazy. "If you say so." He said as he went back to watching tv and not before long they heard a car pull off and when they did they looked out the window seeing who it was driving in an old model of a Lexus.

"Well, I be damned." Elena said as she turned to her husband. "Who was it dear?" He asked her with the remote control up to the side of his head. "I-I think that was her." She said not being able to say her daughter's name.

After that one visit back to her old apartment complex, Miranda never went back not wanting to have a run-in with her parents especially if they were still the same not being able to keep this to herself she told, Ben what he did and at first he was upset with her even going back there but he understood why she just had to go back. Just so she wouldn't wonder anymore.

She went about the rest of her college career with little to no worries about being stuck out on the streets again and even if her parents weren't apart of her life any more she would be fine she didn't need them. She had other people who loved her unconditionally.

When the time came for Miranda to graduate college she graduated with honors finally making her way into med school. While Ben was completing his first year as an intern in med school.


Once both of them were finally in their residency program at the same time even though Ben was into his program deeper they had saved up enough money to buy a decent apartment for the three of them that had three bedrooms. Of course they heard from people 'Why don't you just buy a house with that many bedrooms? " Some of her colleagues would say with good meaning. But they didn't know that they had been below poverty lines, homeless, until Adele and Richard, literally saved them and they had been staying with them this entire time without word getting out which it wasn't going to be a problem if it did get out. But some people would think "favoritism" since, he took Miranda under his wing. But they didn't understand their background. All they knew about Ben and Miranda when they finally started to officially work at the hospital as interns were that they had a child together who was a toddler and that's all they needed to know unless one of them felt comfortable enough to talk about it.

It was still taking Miranda some time to get used to people as she was letting down her guard slowly. But she would only let her guard down to the people who knew her as their friend. But even her friends didn't know about her and Ben's history. So, pushing that advice away about buying a house when it was too early for them to do so, they wanted to take their time slowly when looking for a house to live in and then, maybe start thinking about expanding their family one day. But that would have to come later.

But as for right now, they were fine with having Tuck and on the side, Ben he had been saving up for something extra special in the future and he didn't want to get behind in what he was doing. So, for now that meant no house hunting until they could afford it without worrying about bills piling up.

To be continued...


What y'all think Ben saving up for?

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